I'm Only Me When I'm With You

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Taylor Swift and Evie Miller had been best friends since before they could remember. Their favorite memory was when both of their families went to the beach one summer and they did everything they possibly could've done together. To top it all off, Evie and her family had been so supportive of Taylor and her music career that they even moved to Nashville when the Swifts did. To say they were inseparable would have been an understatement.

Wherever Evie went, Taylor would always follow and vice versa and when they were old enough to understand what 'feelings' were, something grew between them. 

Their bond got even stronger. They would have awkward moments when they would stare into each other's eyes and then giggle about it after. They could just about always find each other in a crowded room too. Once they started loving each other, there was no way they would be able to stop. They always seemed to bring out the very best in each other. Their true selves, if you will. This connection they had was inevitable. 

But there was one problem, neither of them had the courage to ask each other out. Both Taylor and Evie wanted to go on a date so bad but the nerves that built up before one of them could actually ask caused them to chicken out every time.

It's not like their parents wouldn't support them either. Yes, they lived in Tennessee but their families were more than supportive with everything they did, and who better to trust your daughter with than her best friend of 15 years? 

Taylor had finally had enough. She woke up one Thursday morning absolutely determined to ask Evie out on at least one date. If when the night was over they both thought it felt wrong, then so be it (but that wasn't going to happen). Taylor just needed this one date.

During school that day, Taylor had been almost distancing herself from Evie trying to work up the nerve to ask. She had the whole thing planned out. They would have a picnic tomorrow night in the field Evie's parents owned behind their house and then if everything goes well, they would maybe stargaze and just be in the moment together. It sounded like heaven to Taylor and she hoped it would to Evie too. 

When lunch came around Taylor sat in the same seat she had for the past two years. This seat was to the left of Evie and to the right of Abigale. For some reason, Taylor had thought this was the perfect time.

Evie sat down next to Taylor and started a conversation with her before Taylor could even open her mouth. 

"Why have you been ignoring me all day?"

"W-what do you mean? I haven't. I don't think," Taylor's palms were sweaty and she could feel the room getting smaller and smaller and smaller. She had to do it now. 

"Really? Because I fe-" Taylor cut her off quickly.

"IreallywantedtoaskyououtonarealdatebutI'vebeentooscaredsoI'vebeensemi-avoidingyoubutnowherewearesoEviewillyoupleasegoonadatewithme?" Taylor had never talked that fast in her life. By the time she finished, she was breathing heavily trying to get some air back in her lungs.

"Tay, I have no clue what you said. I'm gonna need you to repeat that." Evie was confused. She had never really seen Taylor act like this before and didn't know how to react. Taylor could be so strange sometimes. 

"Okay. We're totally doing this in front of all our friends," Taylor looked around the table and saw them all looking at them with big smiles on their faces. She looked back at Evie and gave it everything she had. "Ev, I've been wanting to talk to you about this for a long time but every time I try, I let my nerves get the best of me. I've felt this way about you for a couple month now and I think you've felt it too. I wanna be with you. I wanna give us a shot at being more than friends, and if you'd like that too then I'd love if you would go on a date with me?"

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