The Introduction
On November 19th, 2006, a revolutionary console called the Wii got published by Nintendo. This console had motion controls (which was mind blowing in 2006) and it was amazing. But we are not gonna talk about the Wii, we are gonna talk about the packaged game that came with it. Which is called Wii Sports. The game was so good, still to this day, wii sports is on the top 5 best video games ever. Also, it's the most popular game on the wii.
About Wii Sports
Wii sports included 5 sports; tennis, baseball, bowling, golf, and boxing. When you play boxing, you have to use the nunchuck that you put in the bottle of your Wii controller. Wii sports also had training for these sports, and they had practice rounds where they give you your Wii age. My Wii age is sadly 41, and I'm 12. Whenever you play these sports, you get points. If you get points up to 1000 or more, you get the pro badge for that one particular sport.