Me: "what is it Niall?" Niall still has his hoodie and dark sunglasses on. Niall: "im not just niall." Me: "then who are you mr mystery!" Niall paces back and forth like it was hard for him to tell me I wonder whats wrong... Me: "Niall what is it?" Niall takes off his hoodie and sunglasses to reveal himself. Niall: "im Niall Horan from one direction." Me: "OMG AHHHHHH OMG OMG OMG I LOVE YOU!!!!! Niall fricken Horan is in my apartment!!!!" Niall laughs at my fan girling. I stop fan girling. Me: " ok..." Niall: "I only told you this because I.... I like you Chloe. Wanna meet the lads?" Me: "yush!!!! I mean sure." Niall puts his stuff back on and walks me to the lads flat (house). Niall opens the door.......END! Tune in next tome for Ill only give yoy my nandos #3!!