After they made the trade. They freed Eric's slave. They took Anthony on one of their ships. As all 1,000 soldiers and 50 ships sailed away. We headed towards the Southeast Kingdom.
6 months later.
They took Anthony off the ship captive. As they walked through the village they first had raided. Then through the town they raided second. They then kept walking to another town by a huge hill that stretched a mile long. They walked through the town by the hill. An then up the hill. There was their kingdom on the other side.
2 hours later.
King Derek : So your the man responsible for reeking havoc on our lands?... (Eating)... Have a seat...
Solider : (Pull out chair).
Anthony : (Standing and waiting)... What is your name?
King Derek : (Eating)... Have a seat if you may. After all your a guest. (Eating)...
Anthony : I will sit if you tell me your name.
King Derek : Ah! (Dropping fork on plate). How rude to a friendly offer. Now please have a seat and I will tell you my name.
Soldiers : (Looking at Anthony).
Anthony : Fine. (Sitting down)... What is your name?
King Derek : (Picks up his fork). It's Derek as in King Derek to you... (Eating)...
Anthony : I am King Anthony of Ryulla.
King Derek : (Put his fork down). Nice I see... So what is it your looking for in my lands?
Anthony : A man known as Gregory and a place for Ryulla to expand.
King Derek : Expand?... Why and how?
Anthony : Only to trade an farm. For Ryulla grows hungry as we speak.
King Derek : (Mumbling)... Is that why you don't want to eat. Because of your family and kingdom starve. Or that's why you raided my lands.
Anthony : Both.
King Derek : (Mumbling)... What are you willing to offer me in return for your damages to my lands?
Anthony : 4,000 pounds in...
King Derek : Hahaha! 4,000! Try 10,000!... Now I'm starting not to trust you. What if you help me in stead of the debt? An then we can work from there?
Anthony : What do you have in mind?
King Derek : Come on follow me. (Standing up from table and then walking in a room).
Solider : (Grabs Anthony by the shoulder and stand him up).
Anthony : (Shrugging the soldiers hand off his shoulder. An then walks in the room King Derek went in).
King Derek : See this?
Anthony : (Looking at table with three papers and one surrounded by rocks. The top left paper reads the New Kingdom. The paper on the top right with rocks around it reads the Middle East Kingdom. An the paper on the bottom reads the Southeast Kingdom)... What is it?
King Derek : It's the Neighboring Kingdoms as we call it. But still there's a price to pay for every neighbor. Just as you are standing here now. The Neighboring Kingdoms are divided and i wish to restore us as one. But this kingdom is the key and center to it all. They have a population of over 10,000. 6,000 able to fight. An they trade with allies in the north and south. Or anyone that doesn't cause trouble with them. Unfortunately I'm not on that list. Because i told their king that greed will come for his head one day... So! This is why i need your help. Tell me how hungry you and your people are. An we might strike a deal.
The Kingdom Of Ryulla
AdventureBaste on the 3 short stories. King Anthony Dreamcatcher roam the seas looking for allies and a king called Gregory.