1- What Started Out As A Normal Day

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Second watched tiredly as his oldest sibling started cooking for the night, all while scolding them and their other sibling.

"I still can't believe you two would try something like that! I said that you two could head out to the market, not to Rust's lair! You know how dangerous he and his group can be! If any of them saw you, you two would've been their next targets.." Chosen sighed as he gently set six eggs into the water he was boiling.

"Come on, Cho! Everyone else in town is pitching in with their powers to help keep this place protected, why can't we contribute?" Dark crossed his arms.

"You can contribute, but not by breaking into one of the lair of one of the most powerful beings out there!" Chosen sighed, "You should be asking the townspeople how you can help them out."

"But we always do boring stuff! They get to do all the cool stuff with their powers and we're just doing smaller things." Second huffed. He and Dark had gotten tired of transporting or preparing the smallest things while all the townspeople got to actually do stuff to protect everyone by setting up and training with cool weapons, or using their powers to complete tasks.

Second looked away from Chosen and through the window next to the dining table he sat at. There was a view of one of the local parks, with a large space dedicated to training those with powers. He saw a group of teens working on their abilities.

Second was never really an outcast to the small town, the teens around his age actually loved hanging out with him. Though despite that, he tended to be left out since so many activities in the town included using powers.

Dark ended up joining Second in looking out the window. Dark was more of the outcast out of the three siblings growing up, he remembered wanting to hang out with the kids his age when he was younger, but those his age didn't like the idea of associating with someone as powerless and as quiet and 'mysterious' as him.

Chosen looked up from the stove to watch his younger siblings before sighing again and approaching them, "Look.. I'm sorry. I just want you two to be safe. Especially after what happened to Vic when you were younger. I just want to protect you. But you shouldn't be running directly into the face of danger, especially with nothing to defend you..."

Second and Dark silently turned to each other for a few seconds, then their older brother.

"..We're sorry too.. We just wanna help out and we thought that gathering information would've been a good idea.." Second looked down, "You don't need powers to write things down and remember some things!"

"I understand that, just try not to put yourself directly in the face of danger next time, alright?" Chosen gently smiled at the two, "And if you did find anything today, we can let the mayor know tomorrow. Just relax for tonight."

"Okay.." Dark nodded.

Chosen's smile softened, "Alright then. Now, I should get the sandwiches ready." He headed back towards the kitchen.

Dark smirked as Chosen walked off, "All I got from this is that we should head back with weapons."

"Dark..." Second sighed.


Second woke up, sweaty, shaking, and with his guard completely up.

He sighed, shaking his head. Just another nightmare. Just another cold, terrifying nightmare.

Second looked around in his dark room, it would've been eerily quiet if it weren't for the sound of rain and occasional thunder playing outside. His mind started to dance back to what happened in the nightmare, but he shook his head. It didn't want to think about such a thing now.

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