Stone Heart (pt. 2)

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Wooyoung woke up to loud knocking on his door.

He needed a few seconds to realize where he was and what has happened before he jumped up from his bed to open the door.

Thinking he was already screwed.

But to his surprise, it was just one of the maids bringing him food.

She must have been standing there a lot for her to start knocking so loudly.

Wooyoung hasn't slept that comfortably since before becoming a slave.

They were always too poor to afford a good mattress.

So of course he slept in, he was exhausted from all the training.

"Are you being serious? You're just sleeping here while your master has already woken up and gone to work?!"

Wooyoung's eyes widened. "What?! What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter, he won't be needing you until evening. Here, take your breakfast." She handed him a tray.

"Th-Thank you..." He took the tray, unable to take his eyes off the food.

It was an actual full meal with different components.

His mouth started watering at the sight alone.

Do rich people just eat like this everyday?

He sat down on the floor to eat, once again cursing his luck for being born poor.

For the rest of the day, Wooyoung was trying to do anything to keep himself busy from thinking what will happen when his master comes back, especially that he slept in and didn't even help him in the morning.

He tried to read, but he was too anxious to understand a word the book was saying.

And the more time had passed, the more his anxiety grew, until he felt a lump in his throat and a heavy weight on his chest.

His master will be here any minute now.

And all he had to do was kneel and wait for him.

He waited and waited.

And San finally came in.

Wooyoung didn't need to look up to be able to tell it was him,the sound of his slow steps was enough.

Then his strong perfume that filled the air as soon as he walked in.

"Welcome back, master."

San smiled a little. "Hey...haven't seen you since last night."

The simple sentence made Wooyoung's heart drop. "I apologize master...I slept in...but it won't happen again." He finished with a bow that made his nose almost touch the floor.

"Stand up, how long have you been kneeling like that?"

Wooyoung hissed as he slowly got up, his legs were numb and stiff. "I'm not sure master, maybe an hour or so..."

San shook his head. "Don't do that again, you don't have to greet me on your knees."

"But I was told-"

"Don't argue, that was a direct order, I'm your master and I'm the only one you take orders from."

Wooyoung quickly nodded. "Of course, sir, I'm sorry."

He kept his head down, stealing glances from time to time until his master loosened his neck tie, he moved closer.

"Let me help you, master." he reached to take off the tie and set it aside, then the jacket, then undoing the buttons of his master's white shirt.

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