Meeting (Y/n)

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-This fanfic contains abuse, and blood-

-your POV-

I laid upon her bed, wasting the day, wishing i had friends to do something with (you have never had any friends before btw). I spent an hour scanning through all the channels on the TV in my room, for something to watch. Then settled on the local news channel. I figured it would help me sleep easier.

Once turning the new's on, I let out a deep sigh and fell on my bed, I moved around for a moment until I was comfortable. I closed my eye's, not paying too much attention, until I heard..

" Breaking news, 500 hundred snakes have escape from-Wait, is that a middle school student?"

That caught my attention as I immediately shot up, to see what was going on.

" that's the zoo across the street". I whispered to herself. I rushed out of her bedroom, and right before i opened the front door i heard my father scream at me "(Y/N) DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING, LEA-"

Before my father could finish, i ran out the door, not caring about what he says.

'I know he's going to yell at me..... but this is more important!' I thought to myself.
I walked around avoiding the snakes, while searching for the girl, as soon as my eyes laid upon a girl who looked my age, i speed walked over to her, carefully taking each step. Once I was right behind the girl, I tapped her shoulder trying to get her attention, buuuuut she didn't look away from her console. "Ok then, guess I'm gonna have to do this the hard way" I huffed to herself.

"Gotcha!" I proudly spoke, as i snatched the console from the girl, I turned the other way, and walked over to an area, where non of the snakes were, hoping that the girl would follow me.

I turned around, in hope that the girl was behind me. When I saw that she was, I smiled, I inspected the girl for a moment, she had raven coloured hair, that had a green hair clip in it. Before I could get a better look, I was snapped out of my trance, when she suddenly spoke.

"Hey give it back, I was so close to beating that level!" A soft but desperate voice was heard.

"Don't worry, I paused it" I spoke handing the short girl back her device, i looked around at all the loose snakes behind her, and began to speak once again, "but please watch were you are going, you just walked into a snake pit."

The raven haired girl, raised her brow as she soon turned around to see Zoo keepers slowly picking up snakes with long sticks.

When she got a good look at the scene her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh I didn't even realise.. Thank you!" She slowly turned back around with her head towards the floor, looking embarrassed.

"It's not biggie, I'm just you'r 'average middle school super hero'!" I spoke proudly, striking a silly hero pose.

The girl giggled at my antic's "well then,'Miss. Hero' who do I owe my pleasure to?" she asked joining in on the act.

Before I could respond to her, my anxiety began to creep in, and doubtful thoughts ran through my head 'Should I even tell her, I mean I don't even know her, what if she picks on me like everyone els..' I started to get frustrated 'AAARRRGGGGGGHHH SCREW IT!' I broke through my thoughts, and responded to her "I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n), what's your name, stranger?"

"It's Marcy Wu, and it's nice to meet you!"

"Well Marcy, what game of your's has got you walking right into a death trap?" (Literally)

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