What a day

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Hey guys, I am so sorry I didn't post last week, I had an art comp, and I was mainly focused on that, so I didn't have much time to write, Soz

(And also, throughout the time you had been friends with the trio, you began to hate Sasha, for being a manipulative bit- *Coughs* the manipulative human being she is... 😇)

-(y/n)'s pov-

I woke up feeling shittier than usual, I squinted my eyes, and tried my best to adjust to the lighting. I managed to sit up, as I let out a deep groan. My head was dizzy and I felt like absolute shit.

I slowly stood up, and sluggishly walked into the bathroom. I stood in-front of the mirror, and examined myself. I looked like what I felt like.. absolute shit. My hair was a mess, and I had huge eye bags. I decided to take a shower, to attempt to clean myself up for school.

-after shower-

I had finally finished getting ready. I picked up my bag, and before I exited my room I froze "Anne's birthday.." i whispered before I turned back around, and reached my hand under my bed. After a minute of searching, I pulled out a small box, and stuffed it in my bag.

I walked out of my room, and ran to the door, not wanting to see my 'father'. Once I exited the house, I let out my breath that I hadn't even realised, I was holding.

I went too my first class and sat a few seats away from Anne, and Sasha. 'I'll give Anne her gift later."

I looked up from my desk and saw the teacher walking around with a dead frog in her hand, I frowned at this sight, because I personally loved frogs. I didn't fully hear what the teacher was talking about, but all I could make out was 'frogs' and 'dissecting'. The thought of actually cutting open a beautiful frog, gave me shivers.

All of a sudden, a loud dramatic voice, was heard from behind me."The sight of blood, i-I think I'm going to be sick!" I heard Sasha squawk, I rolled my eyes at this statement, 'faker' I thought to myself "Anne can you take Sasha to the sickbay" Anne happily agreed, as the two left.

I knew that Sasha was being a fake bitch. But I was generally curious of what she was doing. My curiosity got the best of me, as my hand shot up to 'go to the toilet' which the teacher allowed.

I walked through the halls for a couple of minutes, until I heard voices, I peeped my head around the corner and saw Anne, and Sasha, about to exit the school. I quickly ran up to them and asked "were are we going?".

Anne jumped and quickly turned around, while Sasha just turned around calmly "Anne and I, are getting out of here, and doing something fun for Anne's birthday." (btw, you have already said happy bday to Anne)

"Can I join?" I asked, even though I could tell she wanted to say no.

"...suuuurre" she put on a fake smile, and I tried my hardest not to Laugh.

-time skip (just before Anne steals the music box)

"(Y/n), go and get the box." Sasha spoke.

"Wait like steal!?" Me and Anne said in union, we looked at each other, but I turned my attention, back on Sasha. "I don't think this is a good idea Sasha? Maybe we should go to Anne's party, or something." I looked and Sasha "balloon animals don't sound that bad?" I nervously smiled, as a glare formed on Sasha's face.

I looked at the blond's expression, to shown nothing but annoyance. She turned toward me clearly irritated, and spoke "aww, come on (Y/n), don't be a stick in the mud. Now.. Go. Get. The. Box." I was about to fight back but, Marcy walked up to Sasha, and elbowed her, as she let out a fake laugh.

"Don't listen the sash (Y/n), you've got this" i looked at her face, and let out a deep sigh, I mean I couldn't just say no to her. "Okay.." I walk to the entrance of the shop, and look around. I bit my lip worried, I turned my head towards the clerk, and thought to myself 'I doubt their paying attention." I pretended to look around the shop, as I soon spotted the music box.

I looked around for cameras, but saw none. I looked back towards the music box getting a better look at it. The blue, pink, green, and (f/c) gems on it sparked, but the (f/c) one caught my eye. I looked around once more, and saw my coast was clear. I looked outside of the window, to see my friends, and Sasha. They all smiled at me, and in return, I smiled back and waved, I realised that my sleeve had fallen down towards my elbow, I quickly, fixed it up before anyone could see.

I glanced back over towards the girls, and saw a shocked face on Sasha, she quickly turned to Anne, and whispered something in her ear. Anne looked up, and the same look had spread to her face, I raised a brow. Anne quickly ran into the shop and, started talking to the cashier. 'How on earth did they wake up? They were dead asleep' I wondered to myself. I snap out of my trance, and turn back towards the music box.

I stood on my tippy toes and snatched the box, I stared at it in awe, as the (f/c) gem, caught my attention once again. 'Focus (Y/n)! Resist the shiny thing!' I shook my head, and quickly shoved the box into my bag, zipped it up, and exited the building.

I looked behind me to see Anne running next to me, "that was pretty easy" Anne nervously chuckled. "Yeah..." I simply responded, feeling guilty.

I turned my head forwards, and walked next to Marcy, she looked at me and spoke "good job (Y/n), I knew you could do it!" I smiled at her complement, and grabbed her chin, so her face was now facing mine. "Thank you mar-mar" I smirked and kissed her forehead, as I pulled back , I looked at her face, and she was now a deep red colour. I chuckled a little at how flustered she was.

-at the park-

"Open it! Open it!" Marcy chanted, excitement in her voice.

"Anne hurry up, don't wanna keep you from your party or anything" sasha said sarcastically.

I was pretty sure that Sasha didn't care if Anne made it to her party or not. Regardless I turned my head forwards, the music box caught my eyes, as i bent down to get a better look at it. I took notice of the intricate designs, and strange gemstones, which lead me to think 'this must be worth tons, no wonder they wanted me to steal this so badly' .

I stood behind Anne, curious of what was inside the box. Anne hesitantly opened the box, only for a blinding beam of light blinded, me and the girls, as it sucked us inside.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out again, was the stars, and unfamiliar tree's all around.

Words: 1230
Hope you's enjoyed this
Byeeee ✌️😘 💅

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