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After the 2023 general elections, a new government took charge in Pakistan. The transition of power marked a turning point in the country's political landscape, opening doors for new policies and approaches to address the challenges facing the nation.

Imran Khan, having completed his tenure as Prime Minister, continued to remain active in Pakistani politics. He shifted his focus towards strengthening his party's position in the opposition and worked towards advocating for the causes he had championed during his time in office.

As the nation moved forward, the legacy of Imran Khan's leadership continued to be debated. Some viewed him as a visionary leader who tried to bring about much-needed reforms, while others critiqued his governance style and the outcomes of his policies. The road ahead for Pakistan remained uncertain, and the new government faced the arduous task of navigating the economic, political, and social challenges that lay ahead.

In the years that followed, Pakistan continued to grapple with its unique set of challenges, striving to strike a delicate balance between social justice, economic stability, and political harmony. The country's future path would be shaped by the collective efforts of its leaders, citizens, and institutions, as they sought to carve out a brighter and more prosperous future for the nation.

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