30 | a clear summer sky

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It was graduation day for all the 10th graders. They had come to school on a half-day to take a class photo.

Anu hugged the students of all the classes she taught, coming to 10 A in the end.

All the students stared at her with teary eyes.

"You guys, some of you may be moving to a different school and some of you may be continuing on here. But I want you all to always remember that, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. You can give me a call anytime (other than working school hours) and let me know if you need anything."

The students engulfed her in a group hug. After exchanging goodbyes with a few more students, she stepped towards Sana, Shrest and Vihan. 

"My three favorite students, all of you are still continuing here, I'm told, but I still want a hug."

Another hug.

"Vihan, in 11th and 12th, you need to pay attention, alright? You can't sleep in the class."

Vihan nodded, righteously. He was still going to sleep during the classes.

"Shrest, whatever you choose to do, know that I'm always here supporting you. So is your brother, okay?"

Shrest nodded.

"Have you talked to your parents?"

"No, I'm going back tomorrow. I'm planning on telling them, then, that I'm choosing humanities."

Anu nodded and turned to Sana.

"Sana, the line of work you're choosing, requires a lot of sacrifice and it's pretty dangerous as well. So be very careful and sure of what you're doing, okay? In any case, we'll all be meeting often."

The three friends glanced between each other. They kept glancing at something behind Anu.

"What are you guys looking-Oh!" Anu was suddenly lifted into a princess carry.

"Vineet? What are you doing?" She angry-whispered.

Vineet cast a hurried smile at the students and carried her away, running. The principal, who was watching the show in the corner, turned to Maya.

Maya looked at her. "Oh, come on. Don't be such a bore. You're rooting for them too, aren't you?"

Meghna refused to confirm anything.

Anu was placed inside the car seat and Vineet began driving.

"The grad is not yet over. Where are we going?"

"The beach."

"The beach? Now?"

Vineet looked nervous and tense. Anu watched him, carefully. 

"Did you get into some trouble?"

"Are you running away from somewhere?"

Upon receiving no answer, she simply sat back, sulking. What in the world was he up to?

Anu sighed. "We ran away in such a grand fashion from the grad only to talk a stroll on beach?" They walked on the shoreline.

"We could have done this after the party too! I still had so much to tell Sana and Shrest and..." Anu trailed off, realizing Vineet wasn't by her side.

"Vineet?" She turned around and saw him kneeling.

She blinked. Quickly, she also kneeled down in front of him.

"What are we doing?" She asked. A confused Vineet stared at her. "I'm proposing to you."

A pause.

"Oh. OH." Anu scampered up, quickly. "I didn't- Sorry."

Vineet cleared his throat. "So, um, we have known each other for nearly two years now, if we count the 12th grade year we were neighbors and, uh, we are dating right now. I-"

Anu swallowed. "Can you give me the ring and then make the speech?"

Vineet paused. This wasn't how Maya told it would go.

"I'm just feeling a bit impatient."

Vineet laughed. He slipped the ring on her fingers.

" We can get married some time later, as well. I just wanted to propose to you and get engaged to you first. I mean, I know I already told you I'm serious but-" It was a rare moment. The usually eloquent Vineet nervously scrambling for words. Anu thought it was cute.

She pressed her lips to his, tip-toeing.

"I know. Come on." She intertwined her hands in his. After a minute of silence, he asked, "What about my speech?"

"You have an entire lifetime to tell me all that."

He gripped her hands a little tighter.

"I love you."

Anu smiled softly. "I love you too, Vineet."

He kissed her hand and continued strolling on the beach.

"But tell me." Anu started.

Vineet glanced at her.

"You carried me in front of everyone to prove a point, didn't you?"

Vineet laughed. Anu laughed along with him, seeing through all his sneaky tricks. After a fit of laughter and smiles, Anu looked up to the sky. It was a bright blue.

She smiled to herself.

word count: 733 words

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