Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31

"Those who are not afraid of death stay, and those who are afraid of death leave. The supermarket needs to be cleaned up, and those who stay follow my orders!"
Lu Zhan didn't show up, but his voice resounded throughout the space. Many people were overwhelmed and decided to stay and clean up the scene.
I thought it was already like this, could it be worse? It's not certain whether you can survive being sucked by ticks!
That being the case, it is better to stay and be a hero. Maybe because of my actions, I can save many people.
Of course, those who think this way are a minority. Lu Zhan tried to deceive, but only managed to get around thirty volunteers.
Everyone else left from all directions.
Lu Zhan couldn't stop him, so he could only stand on the pipeline and direct: "Spray the insecticide where the bugs are concentrated first."
As for where the concentration point is, he took a flashlight and commanded from a high altitude.
Because most of the bugs were taken away, the current underground supermarket is much safer.
The black worms were killed in piles like this, but there were still many scattered ones.
Unable to get blood packs from the space anymore, Lu Zhan came to the fresh food area. Seeing that the pork here is smelly, and there are no insects to eat, I came to the warehouse.
Because of the power outage, the ice in the warehouse has melted. However, because the seal is good, the temperature inside is not high, and the pork is still fresh.
Lu Zhan jumped down from the pipe, took out a few pieces of pork, and quietly smeared some mutated rooster blood.
Sure enough, there was a commotion among the bugs.
Lu Zhan threw the pork out, and the black worms and ticks around rushed over like crazy, densely stacked three to four centimeters high.
Seeing that there were no more bugs rushing over, I hurriedly asked someone to spray insecticide.
He also used mental power to check to make sure that all the bugs were completely dead before changing places to continue.
Otherwise, the blood of the mutated animal would be sucked by the bug, and I don't know how much trouble it would cause.
Lu Zhan was very careful. He put the bug corpses and the messy pork into bags, and then disposed of them harmlessly.
Song Nuanxia stayed on the pipeline and did not show up, because now, the air is safer than the ground.
She was not idle either, and changed into long-sleeved trousers for herself, and tightened the cuffs of the trousers, so she was not afraid of the high temperature of more than 40 degrees.
After thinking about it, he put his hair up again and put on a helmet. Fully armed, Bel feels safe.
To be honest, it is more appropriate to wear isolation suits now, but supermarkets don't have them, so they can't be changed out of thin air.
Song Nuanxia sat on the pipe, and after a while, she broke out in sweat.
Shaking his legs boredly, he sprayed to death the little bugs crawling up the pipe.
On the other side, Lu Zhan used the same method to lead people to eliminate more than a dozen piles of black ticks, and the corpses filled half a woven bag.
Following the running direction of the bug, a group of people came to the emergency passage where only supermarket employees would go, and found two dead bodies.
"This, isn't it the one whose head was broken in the conflict yesterday?"
"The one next to him seems to have been stabbed!"
"Didn't they say they sent him to the pharmacy? Why is he here? He was... gnawed like this!"
Lu Zhan frowned, he didn't want to pursue anything anymore.
Looking at the black ticks the size of soybeans running up and down on the shriveled corpse, I couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.
I thought it was a good thing Xia Xia didn't follow, otherwise, the little girl would be so scared that she would have nightmares every day. This scene is really scary.
Let people use insecticide to kill the bugs on the surface of the corpse, and then pack them in woven bags.
The volunteers resisted a little, and Lu Zhan brought them rubber gloves, and several people endured the nausea and packed up the corpse.
Then he leaned against the wall and vomited acid water. Spit out the little thing left in the stomach.
Lu Zhan encouraged them: "I have some compressed biscuits, when I'm done with work, I'll make a pot for everyone to eat!"
Everyone cheered for a while, as if they had eaten delicious food. After being starved for several days, they dare not be hypocritical at all, they just want to be full.
With all his energy, he searched every corner of the supermarket, and finally came to the entrance of the supermarket with three woven bags.
Lu Zhan went back to pick up the little girl, and then followed them to the first floor, where there was a commotion, just like the previous supermarket.
The group gained experience, trapping and killing ticks in different areas.
It didn't take long for the situation to stabilize, and many people followed the volunteers, feeling that this group of people had both skills and responsibilities.
Lu Zhan didn't let them idle, simply assigned some work, sent them away, and then concentrated on catching the scattered ticks.
From back to front, from east to west. It didn't take long to arrive at the entrance of the mall.
Lu Zhan found that there were a lot of bugs here, all the size of sesame seeds. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.
The bag containing the young man's body also undulated slightly. Many of those who knew what was inside broke out in a cold sweat.
"In there, what's the matter, won't it be a fake corpse?"
Lu Zhan shook his head: "No, there are ticks inside. There are a lot of them. It seems that this is where the ticks in the supermarket come from."
But, why are there so many ticks on the dead guy? Could it be from the sandstorm?
But sandstorms, shouldn't they be sand and dust? What's the matter with insect eggs?
Song Nuanxia made a guess: "Could it not be, what's outside is not a sandstorm at all, but densely packed insect eggs!"
Everyone's scalps felt numb, feeling that this was the truth of the matter!
There are too many eggs, and they gather together to form "yellow sand", which attaches to the head and skin of the dead guy, sucks blood and grows.
Then, he came out of the untightened "body bag" and followed the bloody smell to find the underground supermarket. Get into the body of the unlucky egg and reproduce wantonly.
Until the number is large enough and the size is large enough, I leave the unlucky egg and find other people to attack.
That is the outbreak at noon today.
When everyone found out the truth, they couldn't help but feel glad that they were hiding in the building and didn't go out to die.
It's just that some people complain about the guy at the door, who wants to drag everyone to death.
Lu Zhan didn't come forward, and asked someone to throw a few sacks outside the mall.
Everyone resisted, but due to Lu Zhan's majesty, it was actually induced by spiritual power, so they could only obey.
One, two, three, four, five, five sacks were thrown out of the mall. Lu Zhan hesitated for a moment, but still made people ignite the fire.
Although it was cruel not to leave a corpse for the family members, but the insect nest must not be destroyed, otherwise the entire shopping mall would suffer.
The people at the scene showed no mercy, and even wanted to chop the culprit into pieces, but they were afraid that the bugs would crawl out and bite people.
Because the oil was sprinkled, the fire ignited instantly. The bugs were restless, and the woven bag began to heave up and down, looking terrifying.
Song Nuanxia was worried that there would be troubles in the follow-up, and they had been shooting videos since they discussed how to deal with it.
Seeing this scene through the glass, I was shocked and felt deep fear at the same time.
I thought to myself what is the end of the world, super hard mode? It's better to fight zombies!
My legs were a little weak, and I almost couldn't stand up. It was Lu Zhan who helped him regain his composure.
It didn't end there, however.
The 2nd, 3rd, and even 33rd floors may be occupied by bugs, and they need to be checked next to each other.
There are even hidden bugs on the floors that have been inspected. When you are negligent, come up and bite hard, suck blood and lay eggs.
It's almost impossible to guard against.

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