Preparing For War

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Author's note: It's finally here you guy's. The sequel to "Running From My Alpha Mates". First off and foremost, thank you to my loyal readers who've stayed with me over the years. As for the new readers, Welcome!

I know it's been a long time without any updates or post. I would like to apologize for this. My mental health has been on a rocky slope and for the first time in awhile I actually feet like writing. So here's to the start of new journey with you guys.

I will release a chapter once a week on Saturday. This weeks chapter is just being released early for feedback. Also upcoming chapters will be long, this chapter again is mainly so I can get some feedback.

Chapter 1 - Preparing For War

Waking up surrounded by so much warmth, I was tempted to wrap myself back up and float off to dreamland. Unfortunately, war was coming and we had so much to prepare. We'd barely scratched the surface when it came to everything we needed.

knock, knock.

"Luna we have a report and The alphas are asking for you. "

" One moment, have any one who needs to report wait in the meeting room. As for your alphas please ask them along with my mother and Ronnie to meet me there as well. " I responded rising from the bed.

Stretching my arms above my head, I let out a yawn before making my way to the bathroom for a quick shower before starting the day.

" Is everyone here? " I asked munching on the apple I'd grabbed on my way to the meeting room.

" Everyone is here Luna and we can start the report as soon as you're ready. "

" I only need one person to report everything and start with what we've finished before moving on to everything else. Understood? " I asked my eyes focused on Beta Leo.

" Understood Luna, Reporting all Safety units have been finished and are in the process setting up automated systems. In case of any danger, All elderly and pack members under the age of 20 will immediately head to the nearest safety unit. Those of the pack that are 18 and 19 will be the last line of defense should the res of the pack fall. The escape routes for that has been given to 5 designated pack members who will see the remaining pack members to safety. " He paused looking to me for confirmation before continuing.

" Each warehouse, has stocked with a month worth of materials should it come down to it. All pack members have started specialized training for their age groups and tasks in the upcoming war. "

" Even the little one's? " I interrupted as my fingers tapped out a beat on the table.

" Yes Luna, our youngest members are being trained just you instructed. They are only to fight if they have no choice and to run as soon as they see an opening. They are to stay in groups of two when traveling and to reach out if any of they're partners are missing.

We've confirmed 3 allied packs and had them sign a treaty and the last has decided to stay neutral as they do not believe there is a war coming.

Finally Dr. Rochester and Dr. Pinelly are halfway through the requested amount of first aid that you asked to be prepped. Dr. Rochester has also created a pill that will allow temporary immunity to wolfsbane. He's asked for permission to go into full production. "

" If he's confirmed the safety of this pill than he has our permission to start production and by the end I want each pack member carrying a pack of 4 except for those under the age of 17. As for the report take whatever else is left write it up and hand it my mother and Ronnie. They'll let you know if anything else is needed. Dismissed! " My hands went to my temples rubbing at them as i slouched down in my chair.

I knew there was so much more to say but right now all I wanted was to sit in silence with my family taking in this moment of peace. So I did reaching out to the hands of my mates who sat on either side of me. I could fee their probing gazes on me but I didn't want to think of tomorrow or the horrors it might bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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