the smut 😩😩🩷

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(the students are not in the killing game and hopes peak academy is (kind of) a normal school btw, characters from the other danganronpa games included 😻)

just re-read this fanfiction in 2024 its fucking cringe i promise im not like that anymore

[Name] was mad pissed. They sat down in the grass-covered cafeteria of Hope's Peak Academy. Their dad just took his debit card away as a punishment for [name], since they spend too much of his money buying unimportant stuff.

[Name] was stressed. They asked everyone for some money. They asked their closest friends: Miu, Himiko, Tenko, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Akane, Taek– I mean,,, Celestia, but none of them were kind enough to lend [name] any money. Miu even insulted [name]. They can remember Miu's exact words:
"Shut up, fuck face! I said, I don't have any money! Go find your ass a sugar daddy or something. Stop being such a fucking brat all the time."


"Go fuck yourself, Miu," whispered [name] to themself, right before the cafeteria door creaked open. [Name] swiftly turned around, curious to see who entered. It was a taller boy, with lime-ish hair.

The boy approached the table that [name] was sitting on. Out of all the seats he could've chosen, he chose to sit on the one next to [name]. [Name] looked away from the lime-haired boy, rolling their eyes in annoyance. Until, the boy spoke up.

"Hey, is everything okay? You seem quite upset," stated the boy, with a slight grin on his face.
"...Who the hell are you?" responded the annoyed [name]. The last thing [name] wanted to do right then was deal with someone else's dumbshit.
"Aah, forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself," apologised the boy, "My name is Rantarou Amami, nice to meet you. And who might you be?"
[Name] sighed. "[Name]," they replied in a monotone voice. They really weren't in the mood for a conversation right now.

"[Name], huh? Why the long face, [Name]?"
questioned Rantarou.
[Name] thought for a second before responding.
"My dad took away his debit card so I now don't have any money to buy shit! I asked everyone for money! Even when I asked my friend Miu if I could borrow some, she fuckin' called me a brat," complained the distressed [name].

Rantarou was taken aback by [name]'s vulgar language, but tried to think of what to say.
"Oh– uh, umm,,, I see. I can understand why you're upset, [name]. Money is a very important thing for humans. But, this doesn't mean you can expect people to just give you what you want, y'know?—"
"Oh, fuck off, dipshit! Just say you're broke. You probably have no money either," [name] expressed.
"...It's true that i don't possess any money on me right now. But life is not about money," Rantaro attempted to comfort [name].
"I personally don't think you are a brat, you're just going through a hard time. And that's understandable." He continued.
"I appreciate your attempt at comforting me, although it was pure dogshit. It doesn't matter, I'll just find some random fuckwit to seduce into giving me cash," calmly replied [name].

"Hey, hey, that's a very bold idea. It's not right to get people to do things for you through seduction. It is a very manipulative thing to do." Rantarou calmly responded, hoping to get that inappropriate idea off [name]'s mind.

[Name] thought for a second, before saying anything back to Rantarou. Maybe, if they pretended to be sad, they could get him to feel bad and maybe give some money!

"Ugh... I'm really upset now. Maybe I am a brat, aren't I? Everyone has given up on me."
[Name] chose their words carefully, trying to shape the conversation to their liking. They made sure they forced their voice to sound like they are close to crying, while also looking down.
"Hey, c'mon. Don't say things like that, now. Just because some people got a little fed up, it doesn't mean that everyone has given up on you. Please, don't cry." Rantarou tried to make the situation better.
"I have no friends anymore. They all left me. Uggh, I wish someone would be my friend,"
[name] was clearly hinting at something. They waited for Rantarou to reply.
"...I'll be your friend, [name]. You seem like a good person from the inside, I don't see why people wouldn't want to be friends with you."
Rantarou clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into.

A thought crossed through [name]'s mind. Maybe, they could take Miu's advice. Miu told them to find a 'sugar daddy', and that's what they were going to do.

"Really? You'll be my friend? Awwh, how sweet! A dear friend for me to rely on now that I'm sad! Say, may i ask for something small? I PROMISE it's not money."
[name]'s voice was a lot more enthusiastic now.
Rantarou was hesitant to reply. "Um, sure. I don't mind, what is it you'd like? Let's hear it."

"How abouttt..." [Name] pretended to think.
"How about you give me a kiss! On the cheek! You'd do that to cheer me up, riiiight? Since I'm really upset right now!" [Name]
"Uh- um, I,,, I mean, i could... do that."
Rantarou got closer to [name]'s face, planting a small kiss on their cheek.
"Did that help?" He questioned.

"It sure did! But not entirely. Maybe, you need to try something similar." [Name] was giving too many hints.
"..Something similar? Perhaps you want,,, a kiss on the lips?" Rantarou asked, his voice being more quiet this time.
"Maybe that will help. Why don't you go ahead and try?" [Name] encouraged Rantarou.

Rantarou drew closer to [name]'s face slowly, and eventually pressed his lips against [name]'s.
(a/n: I am very hesitant to write this 🤦‍♀️)

Rantarou and [name] started to indulge in their intimate interaction, and Rantarou was now continuing it for his own desire, as well as trying to cheer [name] up.

They resumed this sweet and addictive connection until they both ran out of breath.
Once they finally stopped, they were both breathing heavily with deep blush on their faces. Rantarou finally spoke up once he caught his breath.
"I'll admit,,, that felt good. I want more.. You look so cute with that blush on your face right now." Rantarou's voice was more low now, really fitting the mood. [Name] started to look so captivating in Rantarou's eyes at that moment. It really took Rantarou's breath away. (pun intended ☠️)

Rantarou attempted to continue this intimate act with [name], as [name] placed a hand over his mouth, giving him a surprise.

"Oh, dear. It seems like you really want to continue now, yes? It's a shame, really, because I no longer feel upset."
[Name] spoke. Rantarou didn't know what to do. He had gotten really excited for nothing.
"Awwwh, but you seem like you really want to continue, don't you? How about this, if I continue this further with you, you'll reward me with money, deal?" [Name] mischievously asked.

Rantarou thought for a little while, before responding with a simple muffled 'Mhmm' because [name] was still blocking his mouth.

"Good." Responded [name]. They had successfully manipulated Rantarou into giving them money. They took their hand off Rantarou's mouth, finally allowing him to place his——


...What happened? [name] was just reading a smut fanfiction of Rantarou Amami on wattpad, written by an author called @icewallowcome6969 right before their screen turned black.

Oh. [Name]'s phone died. *Sigh* well, it's time to charge it again.

the end 😍

A/n: 1286 WORDS 😻😻 this story was inspired by a conversation i had with rantarou on (i was sitting on the floor charging my phone writing this fanfic and now i have pins and needles. thx for reading 😝🩷🩷🩷)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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