☆Chapter - 19☆

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Beep Beep Beep

Beep Beep be-

I stopped my alarm and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

After I was done I looked at my hair in the mirror and smiled.

Today I woke up early and excited to show off my new look.

Maybe Gregory will like it.

I walked outside with my skateboard in my hand andhot on the bus about to sit by Gregory but Sam was sitting next to him.

I sat on a seat close by them.


Where's y/n? I heard Gregory ask.

I don't know. Sam responded.

They don't know it's me.

I heard a notification on my phone and looked at my phone.

It was Gregory.

Gregory: where at you??

You: on the seat next to you silly.

Gregory looked my way and I smiled.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! He yelled earning stares.

What is it!? Said yelled.

THATS Y/N! Gregory said pointing.

I chuckled and gave an. Awkward wave.

I'm not lesbian or anything but you are hot. Sam said winking.

Thank you. I said while smiling.

You cut your hair.? Gregory asked.

And dyed it! Sam added.

Yeah.. do you guys. Like it? I asked.

Like it? More like love it! Sam said.

Yeah it's really pretty! Gregory said.

I felt millions of butterflies when he said that.

It felt different when he said it.

We're already dating but it doesn't really feel like it.

I put my airpods in my ears and put on some music.

I glanced at Gregory and saw him staring at me while Sam was talking.

I smiled and then turned away to look out the window.

I finally felt good. About myself.

I hope it last for atleast almost a long time.

• • • • • •

The bus finally stopped and we got off.

Y/n, I see you have a skateboard. Sam said.

now that you have one do you want to start going to the skating ring? Sam asked me smiling.

I'd love to! I said.

I remember at my house you didn't even know how to skate you were pretty bad at it. Gregory said and laughed.

I hate you sometimes Gregory. I playfully said while smiling and rolling my eyes

You know you love me. Gregory said smirking and winking.

Hmm I don't know. Do I? I joked.

Alright guys this is my class so cya later. Sam said and went inside her class.

Welp it's just me and you. Let's go to class. Gregory said.

Gregory can I ask you a question? I asked.

You already did but sure. Gregory said.

Smart-ass. I whispered to myself before talking.

I know we confessed. Or I confessed. To you and you said you liked me back but are we dating?

I like you y/n. But I don't think we should date right now. Gregory replied.

Besides I think I like sam..but I'm not sure yet. Gregory said

Oh...Okay....That's fine... we're all good...yup...totally... I said trying to keep my cool but tears start running down my face.

Sorry.. I have to go.. I said before turning around and running away to the bathroom.

Y/n wait! I heard Gregory say while running away.

I hurriedly went in the bathroom went in one of the stalls and cried like there was no tomorrow.

I heard someone knocking on my stall door interrupting me.

Are you ok in there? The person who sounds like a girl asks.

I'm fine now go away please.

I don't think you are, Please let me help you. Open the door. She asks politely.

I decided to open the door.

She looks at me for a minute before pulling me into a hug.

I'm Cassie. She introduced.


Not let's clean you up. She said before taking Mr to the sink and rinsing my face and then drying it.

Can i do your makeup? She asked.

Sure. I said.

Do you wanna tell me why you were crying? Cassie asked.

Well.. the boy I like doesn't like me back. Well he does but he said he also likes another girl. I explained.

That's kinda complicated. She said.

What's his name? Cassie asked.

Gregory.. I said.

Ohhh Gregory? We're in the same class and I'm also in your class. Cassie said.

I never noticed you. I said.

Yeah, I'm in the back. Cassie said.

Who's the girl he likes? She asked.

Her name is Sam. Shes a skater. I said.

That Sam? I barley heard or seen her but I don't really like her. I feel like she's a show off. But other times she's cool. Cassie said.

How do you feel about her? She Asked me.

Well.. I feel like she's a great person and nice person. Shes so pretty. She's not like most girls in the school. She's talented and smart.

She gets A's if not A's then B's no lower than that and she knows skateboard tricks. She's amazing at it.

Almost everyone likes Sam. And compared to me I feel the complete opposite.

Tears start to run down my eyes messing up my mascara.

I'm sorry.. I apologized and tried to stop crying.

No no no it's ok don't apologize. She said giving a reassuring smile and fixing my makeup.

I think- no I know your very pretty and amazing and talented at your own things and other things. Your beautiful. Grades doesn't matter. Or looks. It's about the personality. Your personality. It's what people like the most. Cassie said. Making me. Go into deep thought.

Thank you Cassie. I owe you. Big time! I said.

You can repay me by getting better. And stop thinking Sam Is better than you. Cassie said and finishing my makeup.

Now let's go to class and show everyone how beautiful and amazing you are! Cassie Said.

I looked In the mirror and smiled.

I look amazing thank you so much cas! I said.

Anytime now let's go. She said before taking my hand and walking to class.

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