The Search

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Washington DC, SHIELD Headquarters

Director Nick Fury was busy looking over Natasha's report on what happened in the arctic. Is it possible that Earth has another alien visitor and if so, what was he doing here?

The door to his office opened pulling him out of his thoughts, he looked up to see Natasha walk in wearing her Black Widow outfit. 

Nat: You wanted to see me sir?

Fury: Yes, Agent Romanoff. I wanted to talk to you about the incident in the arctic.

Natasha put her hand on her abdomen, recalling how Y/N saved her life.

Fury: I want you to try and find this guy, see who he is and why he's here.

The thought of finding him again did stir some excitement up in Natasha, but she had no idea how to find him. She knew she had to retrace Y/N's steps from the base in the arctic, maybe there was a trail she could follow that leads to him.

Sometime Later

After talking with many different people that have encountered Y/N, many had crazy stories to share but all of them had one thing in common. This stranger cared about people, he wanted to help them. Whenever he saw danger, he went into action to help with regard of his own safety. 

It wasn't until Natasha interviewed some Coast Guard officers that she realized how strong this man was, but what caught her attention the most was how he used that strength for good. 

A little bit later Natasha found out that his work history and identification was false, he apparently didn't want anyone to know who he was, but why?

Her search eventually led her to a small Kansas town called Smallville, eventually taking her to a small farm on the outskirts of the town.

After pulling up to the house which was a small 2 story farm house, Natasha got out of her car and walked up the steps and knocked on the door. 

A dog began barking before an older woman came up to the door and began to shush him before opening the door for Nat.

Nat: Hi, Mrs. L/N. I'm Agent Natasha Romanoff with SHIELD, I'm here to talk to you about your son.

M/N looked skeptically at the Black Widow before allowing her to come into the house.

After some time of talking about Y/N and what he can do and why he does it, Natasha had a better understanding of who this man was. 

M/N recommended that Nat go to the Smallville cemetery and visit the grave of her husband and Y/N's father, which she did. As she approached the grave stone, she felt a gust of wind which quickly died down

Nat: I figured if I turned over enough stones you'd eventually find me.

She smiled to herself as she turned around to see Y/N standing there in a t-shirt and flannel with blue jeans and a baseball cap.

Nat: Who are you? Why are you here? Let SHIELD tell your story.

Y/N: What if I don't want my story told?

Nat: It's gonna come out eventually, someone's gonna get a photo or figure out where you live

Y/N fiddled with his hands as she talked

Y/N: Then I'll just disappear again

Natasha scoffed slightly at this remark

Nat: The only way you can disappear completely is to stop helping people and I sense that's not an option for you.

Y/N sighed, she was right. He couldn't just sit back if people need his help.

Y/N: My father believed if there world found out who I really was, they'd reject me out of fear.

Y/N went on to tell how F/N died, he was caught in a tornado but he told Y/N not to come help because then the truth would've been exposed.

Y/N: I let my father die because I believed in him, because he was convinced that the world wasn't ready. What do you think?

Natasha took in his words and contemplated what to do.

Sometime Later: Washington DC

Fury: So what'd you find out?

Nat: He's good, honestly I've never met a man like him before. He has a good heart.

Fury: You did good Romanoff

Natasha nodded before walking out of the room

Fury sat down at his desk and brainstormed an idea, what if this guy could be a new addition to the Avengers.

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