6 - First kiss

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Sana looked down on the cliff where she was standing to check if the people she knew who dived into the water were still alive. A few seconds of silence engulfed the whole area until Ryujin, Jihyo, Eric, and Yeonjun resurfaced, screaming at the top of their lungs, telling how brave they were and how cold the water was.

Everyone went crazy, and another group of Sana's schoolmates jumped off the cliff like a bunch of wild animals. Sana didn't like this at all. Even the weather was against her. The clouds were dark, and it seemed like it would rain any time soon.

She's going to get wet one way or another. And here, she thought she was just going to show off her model-like figure.

When Wonwoo told her there was an ongoing party at the beach, Sana expected that they were at the shore, drinking ice cold beer and people making out and throwing up on the sand. She didn't expect the party was held on a cliff on a private property.

The worst part is that none of her schoolmates owned the place. They were trespassing.

She took a step backward and turned around to look at the people who had just got back from the beach with no signs of fear on their faces after they jumped. "I-I can't do this. "Sana mumbled to herself. "I will die mid-air before I land on the water.

The ocean breeze made Sana embrace herself. She was just wearing her underwear after Tzuyu asked her to strip down in her car after they arrived and convinced her that they would go swimming.

Sana turned around when someone put a shirt on her to keep her warm. It was Wonwoo who did it. Sana smiled in return and pulled the shirt closer to her body.


"It's nothing. "Wonwoo replied.

Sana thought that it was weird that Wonwoo kept on texting her these past few days. After she dumped them, her previous ex-boyfriends did not attempt to reach out to Sana, probably because their pride and egos were shattered after dating someone like Sana.

But Wonwoo was the first to reach out to her among her ex-boyfriends. His messages were relatively innocent, like asking Sana about school-related stuff and how she was doing. Sana thought there was no harm in texting him back. After all, it's not like they ended up on bad terms. She was genuinely bored of their relationship. It is the reason why they broke up in the first place. There are no third party or other issues whatsoever.

"Scared? "Wonwoo asked while putting an arm around Sana's waist. She looked at his hand curiously before deciding that it was okay.

"Yeah, well, I could die if I jumped off the cliff. "Sana replied. "Do I really have to do it too?"

"We could go together. I'll hold you." Wonwoo's hand slowly traveled to touch Sana's bum. At this point, Sana carefully removed Wonwoo's hold on her.

"Sorry. "Wonwoo ran his fingers through his hair. "Just a habit. Listen, I have something to tell you, Sana. "

"I'm listening."

It's maybe because Sana liked Wonwoo out of all the boyfriends she had before. It could be why she still lets him talk to her after their breakup.

Or maybe it's because Momo was standing a few meters away from them, looking at her with big sad eyes as if her owner was abandoning her. She didn't want Momo to get the wrong idea, but her curiosity pushed Sana to stay still and be with Wonwoo at that moment.

Sana wanted to confirm the tiniest hope that Momo still loves her after all the heartbreaks she caused the other girl.

Wonwoo noticed that Sana was mindlessly looking somewhere, so he had to get back her attention by touching her cheek.

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