6. Please Be Patient With Me.

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"If I have a panic attack on this plane, just smother me." You grumbled to your assistant who was excitedly staring out the window next to her, "I'm serious. Don't tell anyone. Just fucking kill me because I'd rather die than do this." You continued to complain and your assistant simply shook her head at you as she laughed,

Your assistant sitting alongside you ignored your protests as she settled into her seat, "This is like a fairytale and I'm getting the best point of view." She chirped, "I've always wanted to go to Korea. I can't wait to try all the street food, go clubbing and shopping. I know we only have a few days there but I made sure our hotel was booked close to the night life. We're going to be buuuuuusy!" She was practically bouncing in her seat the more she explained and you didn't even have the heart to tell her to pipe it shut before you smacked her off the plane.

Instead of answering your assistant, you sunk backwards into your seat and tried to get comfortable, eyes closing as you huffed, "I don't even know why he invited me to this thing. I don't know why he wants to even see me." You complained, "Couldn't he just leave it alone?" You were speaking more to yourself than to your assistant now, shaking your head in disappointment.

You couldn't for the life of you figure out why Kim Namjoon was doing this. 

Why was he inviting you to his exhibition? Was it to out you in front of all his colleagues? To embarrass you? No. It couldn't be. Exhibitions cost an arm and leg to put together. Months and years of planning to pull off properly. You knew all of this from experience. Every detail to host an exhibition was handpicked even down to the guest list. 

So, why would Namjoon decide to add you to his own?

"The real question is, why are you doing this? Despite saying all of that. Despite having all these doubts..." She smiled smugly as she unzipped her headphones from her case, "You still made a choice to come. You still made me respond to the invitation. You still packed your luggage. Still got on this plane..." She put her headphones and adjusted them, "And you're still going to the exhibition." She nodded, "You know what I think, boss? I think deep down... you want to see him too. Deep down you were wishing for something like this to happen so that you could see him again because lord knows you didn't have the guts to do it on your own." She was teasing you now, making fun of your shyness, "Deep down... you like Mr. Kim. Deep down... you want him just as much as he wants you."

You blinked with an unimpressed expression at your assistant and then rolled your eyes, trying to seem nonchalant although hearing her say all of that and more made you so giddy you could start giggling like a school girl any second, 

"What makes you think I want him? I'm just going to show my support because he invited me. That's all." You shrugged your shoulders and looked down at your nails, starting to pick at your fresh manicure, 

"I'm just going to show my face and then we're leaving to hit up whatever night market you wanna go to. I don't even have to see him. Just sign my name on the guest book to show that I was there. Maybe hang around and see what he has on display and then we're out of there before he even comes out. The end." You nodded in triumph at your plan. Feeling proud of yourself to come up with a strategy as such on the fly.

You could deny it all you want if that's what made your boat float. If feeding your own delusions of not wanting to see Namjoon helped you to make it through the plane ride, you would roll with it. You spoke all this nonsense into existence not for anyone but yourself to believe it.

"You got your nails done." Your assistant pointed out, "You never paint your nails. You always say that you need to be at your most raw and natural when you worked. But you got your nails done. In a pretty Indigo colour too. Explain that." She challenged, "You wouldn't venture out to the nail salon for no reason. You did it for him." She grabbed her tablet and flipped it open, connecting her headphones to it while you glared at her, "Anyways... Wanna watch a movie?"

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