Chapter 0: Prologue

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On October 24th, 1941, a man raced through the frigid, snow-covered forest, his heart pounding with fear. Echoes of terrified screams reverberated behind him, intensifying the sense of impending doom. His destination was the radio cabin, his only hope of summoning help from the police.

As he sprinted onward, a chilling screech pierced the air, sending shivers down his spine. Determination surged through him, urging him to push harder, his breath becoming rapid and laboured. Along his path, he stumbled upon the lifeless body of a fellow miner. With a mix of desperation and grim resolve, he knelt down beside the fallen comrade, retrieving the sidearm from his grasp.

Examining the weapon, his heart sank as he realized that the ammunition was scarce. Only five bullets remained in the clip. "Crap," he muttered under his breath, a tinge of frustration colouring his words. Yet, there was no time to dwell on the limited firepower. The sound of tearing flesh reached his ears, reminding him of the lurking horror that pursued him.

Summoning every ounce of courage, he cautiously glanced towards the source of the repugnant sound. His eyes widened in disgust and terror as he witnessed the grotesque creature feasting on another unfortunate victim. The sight further fuelled his determination to survive this nightmare and put an end to the abomination that haunted these woods.

Desperately seeking refuge, the man inched his way towards a hatch leading to a concealed crawl space. It promised him a temporary shelter and concealed vantage point. Gripping the hatch door, he realized it was jammed, causing a surge of frustration to bubble up within him. His gaze flickered back to the ravenous creature, engrossed in its macabre feast.

"Come on," he whispered urgently, determined to force the hatch open. With a final exertion of strength, the door gave way, the lock clattering loudly as it fell to the ground. The noise served as an unintended alarm, alerting the creature to his presence. Panic coursed through his veins as he swiftly snatched the fallen lock, tossing it into a nearby box to divert the creature's attention.

Seizing the opportunity, he wriggled swiftly into the confined crawl space, his heart pounding in his ears. The creature, drawn by the commotion, approached the area, blood dripping from its maw as it hungrily sniffed the air, searching for any trace of its prey. Meanwhile, the man pressed onward, the scraping sound of his movements muffled by the tight space. He strained to hear the creature's screech as it returned to its grisly feast, devouring the newly discovered corpse.

As the man continued to crawl through the increasingly narrow passage, struggling to navigate the limited space, he made a crucial decision to illuminate his surroundings. With a flick of a switch, a beam of light cut through the darkness, revealing an unexpected sight, a spider, inches away from his face. Startled, he instinctively recoiled, only to make contact with something else.

His eyes darted around, and to his horror, he discovered the lifeless body of his friend Walter. A scream tore from his throat as he scrambled backward, his terror inadvertently alerting the lurking creature to his presence.

Reacting swiftly, the man burst out of the crawl space and sprinted towards the radio shack with all his might. The relentless pursuit of the creature echoed behind him, its menacing presence closing in. Without hesitation, he turned and unleashed a hail of gunfire, attempting to slow down his pursuer.

Spotting a barrel nearby, he swiftly maneuvered it into position, aiming at the creature. With a well-placed shot, he triggered an explosion, creating a diversion to momentarily divert the creature's attention. Seizing the opportunity, he bolted into the safety of the radio shack, slamming the door shut behind him. With a surge of adrenaline, he hastily secured the entrance by pushing a couch in front of it, barricading himself inside before attempting to contact help via the radio.

A sudden movement behind Carl jolted him, causing him to whirl around, pistol raised. However, instead of another threat, he found himself face to face with Eric, one of his fellow workers.

"Carl," Eric greeted him, leaning wearily against a chair. "It's good to see you."

Relief washed over Carl's face as he holstered his pistol. "Good to see you too. What happened to everyone else?" he inquired anxiously.

Eric's expression darkened. "Gone, murdered by that thing," he replied, his voice heavy with sorrow. "How could this happen?"

Shaking his head, Carl admitted, "I don't know. But right now, we need to call for help."

Eric gestured towards the radio. "It won't work," he informed Carl, a sense of resignation in his tone.

Determined, Carl walked over to the sabotaged radio, examining it closely. Frustration welled up within him, and he slammed his fist down on the table, enraged by the malicious act. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a gruesome sight a hand burst through the roof, seizing Eric in its grip.

"Help!" Eric's desperate cry echoed through the shack. Acting swiftly, Carl lunged forward, grabbing hold of Eric's shirt. The fabric tore, drenching Carl in a horrifying rain of blood. Carl's grip slipped, and Eric was yanked upward, disappearing into the clutches of the unknown horror.

As Carl frantically attempted to flee, a grotesque hand suddenly burst through the floor, impaling his gut with a sickening force. He halted abruptly, his gaze shifting downward to witness a gaping, bloody gash across his stomach. Overwhelmed by unbearable pain, he crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath.

Struggling to stay conscious, Carl crawled and leaned weakly against the wall, his life force steadily ebbing away. He could sense the relentless approach of the creature, its presence looming closer with each passing moment. With his strength waning, desperation clouded his thoughts, and he made a fateful decision.

Grasping the pistol tightly, he pressed the cold metal against his temple. "May God have mercy," he whispered, a tremor in his voice. The deafening sound of a gunshot shattered the air, marking the tragic end of Carl's struggle.

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