❛ Prologue ༉‧₊˚

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October 1st, 2011, 11:36



"Hmh, here we are." Sunshine hits your eyes as you step out of your car and look up at the building you'd be living in from now on. A two floor apartment. You had finished college a few months earlier but decided to reside in your parents house as you scrounged up some money to move. Now, being the grown, independent person you were, or so you would tell yourself, you rented an apartment a few towns away to start a new life. "Yeah.. This isn't so bad.." You opened the trunk of your car to take out one of the many boxes that you packed your stuff in. Taking a box out you close the trunk and start to walk left, towards the stairs.

As you look up upon the massive set of stairs you start to debate your life choices. "Titan, give me strength." As you commence your journey up the stairs you try to make sure the box doesn't slip out of your hands, for if it should you would most certainly be sent tumbling backwards and towards you untimely death. "Ughhh.. 'maybe I should move!' I thought! 'A change of scenery could be nice!' I thought! Ughhh, I should of hired more people to help me move these in, or better yet, just should have stayed home."

As you walk up to your door you pull out your keys from your pocket and insert them into the key hole. With a turn and a pushes the door swiftly opens and you put down the box. As you stretch you look around at the almost empty room. Beside you was the kitchen. Across the living room was the bedroom and beside that the bathroom. A sofa and coffee table stands alone in the middle of the living room. You had hired some people to help you move a few pieces of furniture to the apartment so you have some basics appliances. You had driven for hours and it was now midday but without much energy left in you, you decided to slumber. You head to your bedroom and lay in bed, soon knocking out.

3:06 p.m.

You awake with what feels like a unfulfillable hunger. Since you hadn't bought any food yet and remember seeing a nice coffee shop on your way here you decide to visit the shop. You groggily get up and head to the to your bathroom to untangle a bit of your hair. You head out to your car and commence your drive. A few minutes later you arrive at a small coffee shop in the corner of a street.


A wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread and coffee hits you. A warm, homely aura surrounds you that contrasts to the the autumn chill of the outside. You take a good look around the shop, seeing the brick walls and wood floor. There were a few people around, all in there own little wolrd. You always wondered what other people were thinking, what there worries were for the day. What were they working on? What were they talking about? What were they...?



"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I should of moved out of the way I was just looking around the store and got distracted. I'm so so soooo sorry!" You bend down to pick the papers that had scattered on the floor.

"It's fine I swear!" The person exclaims as they bend down. " I wasn't really seeing where I was going either to be honest."

You look to see the owner of the voice. A woman who seems to be in her mid 30's with 'lilac' colored hair crouches in front of you. As you finish picking up the last of her papers you reach out your hand to help her up. As she dust herself off you notice her attire, a purple turtle neck with a black sweater on top with some black pants.

"Again, so sorry for bumping into you." You give the lilac haired woman her papers while apologizing for the hundredth time.

"Like I said, your fine! I mean if you really did want to apologize you could buy a coffee! Haha.."

You wondered a bit if the woman was joking or not. Well, she looked nice and since you didn't know anybody in town this could be a good opportunity to make a friend! You thought about whether you had enough money on you to buy yourself and her a coffee. She must of noticed you being deep in thought because she quickly followed up with:

"I was just joking of course! You don't have to buy me a coffee!"

"I mean, if you actually want I could! I don't mind." A small smile spreads on your lips as you look at her. She thinks about it for a sec and with a sigh she nods.

"Thank you, umm..?"

"It's y/n! And yours?"

"Lila." She says with a warm smile.

You walk to the counter and order your drinks. After ordering Lila asks you to sit with her. "Sooo.. what were all the papers you were holding for?" You ask as you blow on your hot drink. "Oh! Well, these are just some blueprints for my job, nothing much!" She says waving her hand. "So, do you come here often?" She questions. "Actually, I just moved here today!" "Really? Well what made you want to move here?" "Felt like I just needed a change of scenery is all, try and find myself, y'know?" You state as you look down at your cup. "Hm, well I think that's great!"

A comfortable silence falls between the both of you as you drink. "I'm really glad I met you today. I just had long week and you buying me this drink was nice." She comments as she looks out the window. "What do you mean?" "Well, my son and his friend usually run around town and since I'm not able to look over him and worried that they could get themselves hurt. I'm thinking about getting them a babysitter but there's not a lot of people who are up for the position and nannies are costly."

As Lila looks thoughtfully out the window, two of you brain cells rubbed together and created a brilliant thought. 'Hey! Maybe I could babysit them!' But before opening your mouth and letting your best idea slip into the world you thought a bit harder. 'Wait, maybe I shouldn't offer to take care of her kid.. I mean, I barley know her and if a stranger were too offer to take care of my kid I'd be a bit weary. But then again, isn't that what babysitters are? Strangers taking care of your child? But then again I barley moved here and for all she knows I could be dangerous!' Before you could dwell into your thoughts longer Lila spoke up.

"Huh, look at the time! I have to go finish running some errands before it gets later." As she got up from her seat you decided to tell her your, maybe not so, magnificent idea. "Wait, I was thinking, maybe I could watch over your kids? I mean, babysit them y'know?" You feel a sense of awkwardness as the words fall out of your mouth. "Oh! And how much would I have to pay you?" Huh, it didn't even cross your mind to take payment. Did you really you would be taking care of her children for free? That'd be a bit sketchy. "Uhhh, well.." 'Quick! What's a reasonable price for taking care of a child?' "Five dollars an hour?.." You say uncertainly.

"Really? Well here's my phone number and maybe we can arrange something!" She takes out a pice of paper and pen as she scribbles down her number and gives it to you. "Oh wow, umm okay!" She says her goodbyes and quickly walks out the door. As you look down at the paper in your hand you think to yourself: 'Wow, she really must have been in a hurry if she gave an total stranger the opportunity to take care of her kids. Maybe I just look trustworthy..?' This interesting day almost made you forget the many boxes in the trunk of your car that you still had to take out.


Word count: 1395

A/N- And it's done! The first chapter of this story is finished! It might take me a while to get the next chapter ready since I'm kinda just making the story as I go. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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