New Place

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Alexis POV
August 3rd 2075
I finally turned 18 an it was time for my parents to take me to my new home/school an i wasnt happy at all. On your 18th birthday you will finally know wich category you fit in, and i wanted to be a dom but noooo my letter said that i was a little wich im NOT.

Cris(Father):I know you dont want to be here sweety but you have to, you know the law.

Alexis:I dont care about the law i wanna stayyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Cris:its too late baby we are already her.

Phebe(Mother):Daddys right baby but im sure your going to love your new home. And we will come an visit ALLLLLL the time.


Cris:we pinky promise baby now lets go meet your principal.

Alexis:do i have too?

Avery:Wow what a warm welcome? I say straight faced

Eleanor:Please mind her none she has'nt had her lunch aka coffe.

Cris:Oh might i say you all are quite tall.

Eleanor:Well cant help it. Excuse my manners My name is Eleanor Coves and this is my wife Avery Coves and we are your staff well atleast the most important ones.

Phebe:well we thank you for accepting our baby girl and please ta....

Avery:yes we assure you she's in tje best of hands.

Eleanor:yes and we dont mean too run you both off but lunch is about to stsrt an we need to get her settled so if you dont mind.

Cris:its okay see you later baby remember now every chance we get.

Phebe:yes EVERY SINGLE one okay we will come see you mommy loves you.

Alexis:I Love you too. Bye Bye

Cris:bye bye baby you be good now.

Avery:Come on inside young one lunch is in 10 minutes.

Alexis:im not hungry

Avery:Im sure, well for now lets get to know each other my name is Avery but ofcourse Mrs to you. And after you have had lunch we well Mrs.Eleanor here will show you around and tell you some important information. Okay?

Alexis:yes Mrs.

Avery:good that you know manners but im not on the floor young child so please look up.

Alexis:*looks up*

Avery:very nice, now Mrs.Eleanor will take you to the cafeteria and if i get any complaints about you not eating you will see me again. Is that understood?

Alexi:yes Mrs.

Avery:Spectacular now have a great lunch, I say before turning on my heels headed back to my office.

Eleanor:well lets go get that tummy of yours filled.

Alexis:im not a baby.

Eleanor:well your stuffie says aloootttt diffrent, i smile knowing what lies ahead in the cafeteria.


Eleanor:okay what would you like to eat?


Eleanor:you need hot food baby.

Alexis:im not a babbyyyy.

Eleanor:okay im sorry but you do need hot food so how does mac'ncheese with meatballs and brocolli sound?

Alexis:nooooo i want chips.

Eleanor:meatballs it is!

Alexis:well you wait here and let me get you your food. I smile putting her in her high chair.

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