Prologue 1

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In the Kingdom of Sumeru all was prosperous under the rule of it's king, and It's Queen Faranak who had given birth eight years ago to it's sole heir Prince Kaveh who would one day be king. he was born with bright eyes and hair like the golden sun with many saying he was blessed, In truth he was as well as the people as the Kingdom had never before loved It's Prince and Heir. At a young age Kaveh was generous, Kind and Courteous with a great love of the arts but he'd had a passion for Architecture especially after seeing the palace's ancient blue prints from his very great grandfather's age whom was the founder of It. Kaveh didn't have any siblings or really any playmates who were usually the children of other nobles which saddened him but one day In the royal garden's he stumbled upon you. an eight year old girl who was not by coincidence the daughter of his Mother's Chambermaid Neesha who'd long served the Royal Family, You Often sneaked to play with Kaveh despite your Mother saying you shouldn't bother him but you weren't a bother at all, Kaveh loved your company and the times that you'd have together.

It was In the early morning and your Mother had brought you to the Palace again, she brought you a few days during the week as she knew how you and Kaveh had become friends despite the great difference In Status. But Neesha was happy that Prince Kaveh had taken to you so 

"(Y/n), I'll be tending to her Majesty as usual today, mind your manners"

you looked up at her, "Yes Mama, oh! can I see Prince Kaveh?"

She smiled, "It's too early right now he's not woken yet, wait a while before seeking him out"

"Yes Mama"

just as you came up the last steps of the palace the guards let you both inside, as you soon went inside the very gilded palace as you saw several familiar faces, other servants and maids 

"Good Morning Neesha, I see you brought Miss (Y/n) again"

It was one of the maid's from the kitchen, her name was Sidra "Oh, Good Morning Sidra would you mind looking after her again I must go tend to her Majesty"

Sidra smiled, "Of course, Come (Y/n)"

you went to her side as you held her hand, before waving to your Mother as you left with Sidra to the kitchen's where the royal cooks were already preparing the royal families breakfast. Elsewhere In the West Wing of the Palace the young ten year old Prince had woken up, sitting up In his bed as he stretched his arms with a yawn just as one of the servants came to his room

"Your Highness, It's time to rise"

Kaveh smiled sleepily, "Good Morning...Thanks"

he brushed a hand through his short blonde hair, then getting out of his bed as he went with the servant to go wash his face and take a bath. just as he realized "Is (Y/n) here?"

"Yes your highness"

Kaveh smiled, "Great! I wonder what we should do today"

Kaveh started thinking about what you'd play or talk about today, but he was soon reminded he had some lessons after breakfast that he must attend that were Important. 

In the Kitchen you stayed sitting on a stool as you soon ate something, but were getting bored very quickly despite It being lively In the kitchen's so you decided to sneak away 

you slipped out of the kitchen and made your way down the hall, now looking for Kaveh by yourself and you were of course careful but then....


you fell back onto the floor as you looked up to see a familiar figure, It was the Royal Scribe's son Al Haitham was much not that much older than you, his book had fallen onto the floor

you smiled, "Al Haitham!"

you got up and hugged him but he sighed, "What're you sneaking around for?"

"I was...looking for Prince Kaveh"

Al Haitham sighed and bent over to pick up his book, "Understood...shall we go see what the royal peacock is upto?"

you giggled, "Al Haitham you can't say that!"

Al Haitham closed his book and gestured you to follow, as you headed to the study room within the Palace where Kaveh took his lessons In all of the arts and or his schooling. Upon arriving at the study room you and Al Haitham peaked through the crack in the doors to see Kaveh 

he was standing up as he was reciting a piece of literature, and his Tutor Madam Faruzan was listening closely but then "Prince Kaveh"

he looked up, "Yes Madam!"

Madam Faruzan let out a sigh, "Are you paying attention?"

he nodded quickly, "Yes Ma'am!"

you giggled and Al Haitham stayed quiet, just as Kaveh turned to see the both of you watching from outside which brought a smile to his face but then he looked back to Faruzan

"Madam Faruzan, May I take a break?"

she then turned to the door and walked over as she opened the door wide "I knew it!"

just then Kaveh sneaked by her as the three of you made a run for It down the halls, leaving an utterly shocked and upset Madam Faruzan "Prince Kaveh hold it right there!" she yelled

just as you ran Kaveh took your hand, guiding you along as you soon came to catch your breath as he motioned for you and Al Haitham to stay quiet as you then came to the kitchens

you whispered, "Why're we at the kitchen?"

Kaveh smiled, "Snacks"

Al Haitham crossed his arms, "The Queen will be cross with you"

Prince Kaveh snuck around into the kitchen just as he was greeted by Sidra

"Ah good day your highness, was there something you needed?"

he nodded, "have you made desserts?"

Sidra smiled and already knew, "Yes, but just one for each of you"

she picked up a platter and got to his level, he happily eyed the round cream colored morsels with pistachio topping on them as he then grabbed some for the three of you 

Prince Kaveh then bowed his head, "Thank you!"

he soon ran back out of the kitchen with the bundle of sweets, then giving them to you and Al Haitham as you ate them together In the hallway happily before you were caught by Madam Faruzan who threatened to tell Queen Faranak.

To Love Someone so Dear, Kaveh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now