Chapter 6

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Grace:dad w-what you doing here
Dad:so your pregnant and didn't want to tell your own father
Grace:your not my dad
Dad:but I am tho
Grace:you have never acted like one
Bill comes in and sees your dad and looks at you
Dad:so you got my daughter pregnant huh
You dad walks up to bill and punches him
Grace :dad no get out
Stefan George gustav and Tom run in
you dad walked up to you and hits you bill grabs him down to the ground where you was Tom came over to you and helped you up bill punches your dad
Stefan:dad stop now
Gustav calls the police and bill was fighting him Stefan grabs your dads and slams him again the was
Dad:Stefan long time no see
dad:you left me on my own both you
Bill ran over to you your nose was bleeding and he had a scratch on his eyes
Tom:she's bleeding
Grace:I'm ok are you bill
Bill:oh I'm fine let's get you cleaned up
Grace:wait look
You both look over to your dad and Stefan and the police run in and arrest your dad and Stefan
Grace:wait don't arrsent Stefan he did nothing
They let Stefan a]go you run up to him and hug him
Alice and Frankie walk in
Alice:what happened here
Tom:graces dad
Bill look yo yo the bathroom and sipped you nose he was wiping it and you staring into his beautiful brown eye he looks at you and smile you just kiss him and he kisses you back you cry
Grace:I love you bill I love you so much
Bill:I love you too
You guys kiss and Alice walked in
Alice:sorry i just wanted to see if you was ok
Grace:I'm fine
Bill:come on guys let's go
Tom comes up to you and hugs you
Tom:grace are you ok
Grace:yes I'm fine
Everyone asks if your ok you say yes and you go up to Stefan his nose was bleeding too
Grace:oh Stefan your nose here 
you wipe him nose and hug him he hugs you back
Stefan:we should of done that a long time ago grace it's my fault
Grace:it's not your fault Stefan
He hugs you tighter and the party continues everyone brought you gifts and you open one from Stefan and start to cry it's your mum's necklace
Stefan:it's a family heirloom wait till your baby is 13 and give her it you put it on and hug him
Grace:thank you Stefan thank you so much
He hugs you back
Stefan:it's ok I love you
Grace:I love you too
Every one is gone home and you bill Tom gustav and George are downstairs watching something a]you all a pause it cause your hungry
Grace:let's order
Grace:hmm yes
George:I'll order it
Grace:while we are waiting let's think of nicknames for each over
Bill:yes I already call you princess
Tom:grace yours should be Gracie
Grace:I love that Gracie my mum called me that
Bill:gustav yours should be gus gus
Grace:aha yes
Gustav:no that r]the fat rat of Cinderella I don't want to be the fat rat
Grace:gus Gus isn't  a rat it's a mouse
Tom:I'm calling him gus Gus
George:me too
Bill:me three
Graces:me four
Gustav:ugh George is Georgie
Grace:Awh that's cute toms is Tommy
George:bills is Billy
Bill:I'm fine with that but I'm calling grace princess still
Grace:fine with me
Tom:ok names are done I'm changing all my contacts now
Bill:me too
George:mee three
Grace:me four
Gustav:me four
Grace:you can't a]say me four you have to say me five
Gustav:I don't want to be me fine
Tom:Gus Gus  you have to be
Bill:Yeh there can't be too me fours and Gracie called it first
Gustav:first off I hate the number five and second I thought you was calling her princess
Bill:yeh I'm gonna but it would be weird saying princess called it first so it's gonna be Gracie called it first but when I'm shouting her or something it will be princess
Gustav:fine I'll be me five
George:Gus Gus your so pathetic
Gustav:am not
Tom grace bill and George: are too
Food comes and you all eat it you watch the rest of the  movie but you all fall asleep on the sofa after
The next morning g you wake up and runt i the path room wich wakes bill up he come after you to hold your hair back and you throw up every when
Bill:oh princess are you alright
Grace:I'm fine Billy thanks tho
He wipe the sick of your mouth Tom comes up
Tom:hey Gracie you alright
Grace:I'm fine Tommy sorry to wake you up
Tom:it's ok hope your alright
You all go downstairs to wake the others up
Grace:Gus Gus get up
Bill:omg Gus Gus k broke your drumstick I'm so sorry
Gustav:I hate you so much
George:gus gus don't be mad
Tom:guys what shall we do today
Gustav:the beach
Grace:no the water hurts my stomach it makes me fall down
Grace:cause I'm 5 months pregnant
Tom:so what shall we do
Bill:amusement park
You all go up and get ready (you can pick what you want to wear and your makeup)you go to bills room and he has his top of
Bill:hey princess
Grace:you are so handsome
Bill:oh well thank you beautiful lady
Grace:oh stop don't make me blush
You kiss him and Tom walks in
Tom:erm sorry
Grace:not like we was doing something
Bill:we could
Grace:no way I'm pregnant
Bill:oh yeh
Tom:that's disgusting
Bill:shut up Tom
Grace:are you both ready

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