Chapter 6

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Aimiah yanks on my arm as we walk to my house. She looks content with our time together. We walk in an awkward silence, well awkward for me anyway, as the birds chirping and the sound of horse's hooves clicking on the gravel can be heard.

I suddenly hear alot of construction work only to look across the street.

"Hey, what's happening over there" I asked Aimiah.

Was that construction sight there this morning? Was I really that zoned out when walking to school?

Aimiah lets out a low hum. "Oh that? That's just a new alter being built. Mother told me that Tati wanted her own alter near the scum. Apparently Tati has taken a liking to your rank. Or maybe she just pitys the riff raff, who knows what goes on in her head".

I flinch at Aimiah's uncaring words as I look towards the construction sight. Female construction workers can be seen hard at work lifting support beams and working the crane. You can see guys at the bottom of the construction sight being used as mules, connected to harnesses as they drag wheelbarrows full of heavy items.

A whipping sound cuts through the air as a female construction worker is yelling at a guy who tripped, knocking his wheelbarrow sideways in the process. All of the cement bags spilled out with one of the bags leaking due to it being ripped by a nail on the ground.

"You useless waste of sperm! I gave you one task. Get the cement to point A to point B and come back for the next load. How did you possibly mess that up. Your gonna make us miss our deadline. Do you not want our elite to have her alter!" The women continues to insult the man as she whips him for his shortcoming.

I cringe at the whipping sound and the screams of the man. Everyone else on the construction sight continues their work like nothings even happening. Even the guys who was in line behind the man who fell just walked around unfazed. I can tell the men are scared though, scared that they might be next.

Before I know it me and Aimiah turn the corner away from the scene as we carry on our walk to my house.

"Don't look so sad. He deserved it anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if he is sent to the slaughter house or given as a sacrifice to the elites."

Aimiah looks over to me with a smile. It was unnerving. How can she look so happy while everyone's lives are based on a title that can either make or break them? The untouchable are cocky. With that thought in mind I can't help but shoot a hateful glare towards Aimiah as I bawl my fists slightly.

"I know but-"

"But nothing y/n. He is getting what he deserves."

"But Aimiah-"

"Let it go y/n. Now."

At this point we have stopped walking. Aimiah's hand grips my arm tighter. As she glares into my eyes I can feel a warm liquid drip down my arm. Looking down I notice that her long nails dug deep enough to cut into my skin forcing me to bleed.

"Okay." I muttered under my breath while watching the red substance slide down my arm and onto the ground.

Aimiah looks at my arm, noticing my blood staining her hand and nails. She looks back at me with a blank expression as she let's go of my arm slowly, only to grab my hand seconds after. Aimiah turns on her heel dragging me with her yet again.

Once we finally arrive to my house Aimiah lets go of my hand as she gives a disgusted look at my home. I thought that she would just leave so I pulled out my house keys from my pocket to let myself in only for a brown blur to rush pass me as I open the door.

"Woah! Now wait a minute, what do you think your doing?!" I spoke in a rushed panick as Aimiah begins inspecting my house.

"It's rude not to let your guess in. Besides, I want to see your place. I will say it's quite dirty in here but that is to be expected for your rank. What even is this?"

Aimiah dangles one of my miniature wood carvings in the air with her thumb and index finger. Ignoring her insults I panickly close the door as I stumble to grab the carving. She looks at me unimpressed, clicking her tongue and turning to go into my kitchen.

I release a sigh of relief, gently placing the carving back on the table. I suddenly hear a gasp come from the kitchen.

"Why on earth do you have so many dishes in the sink?! Would it kill you to clean up a bit. Is this how you welcome your guest." She continues to rant about the mess as I roll my eyes.

"Well I wasn't aware of the company to begin with" I grumble under my breath in frustration.

I looked at my bloody arm and decided to go clean it up in the bathroom. I look at the kitchen entrance one more time hoping Aimiah doesn't mess with anything else. I sigh as I turn away from the kitchen and start walking down the hall.

When I get to my room I make a beeline for the bathroom and start rummaging my bottom cabinets for my medical kit.

"Ouch!" I hiss after hitting my hand against the hard surface of the med kit, I grab it and place it on the countertop. I shake my throbbing hand a few times in hopes the pain would go away. As I do this I look up at the mirror only to see Aimiah staring at me from behind.

I let out a scream as I quickly turn around to face her. "WHAT THE HELL AIMIAH!"

She give me a tiny smile. "My bad, I didn't mean to scare you. I washed your dishes and attempted to have a conversation with you once I finished but you weren't in the living room anymore."

She looks behind me taking notice of the med kit.

"Oh are you going to bandage your arm. It's not a serious injury you know. You need to learn to relax. But fine, if you must tend to your little wound I guess I'll help you" Aimiah sighs dramatically like I am some sort of burden to her.

"I don't need your help. I was doing just fine. You can go back to the kitchen, or better yet you can go home."

I narrowed my eyes at her before turning back around to continue what I was doing. I heard footsteps so I thought she was leaving but apparently I was wrong. I felt her forcefully turn me around and push her index finger against my chest.

"I said I will help you y/n. Don't ignore my kindness. Your blessed to even have me in your house right now. Do you know how many people pray to even be near me?"

I blinked in surprise. That was extremely narcissistic of her, then again this is Aimiah I'm talking to. She grabs my arm and reaches over me to turn on the sink. She places my arm under the water and begins to wash the blood off. I decide to just let her, once again terrified of what she might do if I go against her wants.

Once my arm is clean she pours alcohol on the wound making me flinch in pain. She then drys it off with a towel, spreads some neosporin on the wound to prevent any infections, and put a large bandaid on the deep cuts. With the way she looked me in the eyes as she poured the alcohol, I could tell she took joy from my pain.

"There all clean." She speaks in a motherly tone as she let's go of my arm and turns to leave the room.

"Where are you going" I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

She turns her head towards me with a small perfect smile gracing her face. "I'm going home silly. It's getting late."

With that she turns back around and continues her way out the room. I can hear the front door open and then close. Just like that, Aimiah was gone. I let out a deep sigh as I exit the bathroom. Looking out my bedroom window I notice the sun has went down.

"I guess she was here longer than I thought. I didn't even get a chance to text Shae." I whispered to myself

I blink a few times. Shae! I completely forgot about Shae! I scrambled to find my phone only to Remember half way through my search that I never took home my satchel. I was so caught up with Aimiah that I forgot to grab it out of my locker.

I face palm as I also realized that I never had lunch with Shae like we planned due to Chantel locking me in that locker. In fact, I haven't ate at all. With that thought my stomach began to rumble. I decided to quickly eat a sandwich, do my nightly routine, and finally head to bed.

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