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Hermione sat across from Draco as they ate dinner. She was now wishing she had sat across from Bellatrix because now they sat side by side,so close that she could smell her scent. The woman smelt of smoke and firewhiskey with something sweet like cherries. Their small kiss ran through Hermione's mind, making her blush a bit. She acted like nothing was wrong and kept eating until Narcissa broke the silence.

"Hermione, are you the only one in your family to have magic?"

Hermione swallowed  her food before answering.

"By blood yes. I discovered last summer that I have an adoptive cousin who comes from a pureblood family. I had Dumbledore help me track down all the information on her birth parents for her."

Bellatrix raised her brow and took another bite.

"Well pet, that's interesting…"

"Yes, Hermione dear what is her family name?"


The two sisters looked at eachother. Bellatrix spoke up while picking up her glass for a sip.

"It doesn't sound familiar, where is she from?"

"She is from the U.S."

The two sisters nodded and rolled their eyes as they spoke in unison.

"She went to Ilvermorny…"

Hermione looked between the two sisters watching their mocking expressions as they said it. Hermione laughed a bit.

"What's wrong with Ilvermorny?"

Bellatrix audibly groaned.

"Nothing against your cousin, pet but she had an inferior education."

"Oh a little biased are we?"

"No, I'm just stating facts."

Hermione laughed and Bella smiled weakly and looked at her from the corner of her eye. The younger witch smiled and picked at her food, eating slowly as the group talked.

Dinner turned out to be more of a laughing fest as Narcissa told stories about their time at Hogwarts while Bellatrix constantly tried to stop her. Draco even got a laugh when he showed off a black and blue bruise that Hermione gave him with a well aimed snowball.

By the end of dinner Narcissa was beyond tired. She asked one of the house elves to clean the dishes and excused herself. Draco followed suit shortly, leaving Bellatrix and Hermione sitting at the table.

Bellatrix looked at her and rested her head on her hand. Hermione tried not to look at her but she found herself looking over every few seconds. Bellatrix spoke softly.

"You don't have to do it."


"Don't act brave, pet. I know you're scared."

Hermione shrugged a bit and looked at her with a soft demeanor.

"Yeah, I am.. aren't you. You have a lot at risk…"

"I'm terrified…"

That caught Hermione off guard. She would have never thought the woman would be capable of such a feeling, let alone fear. Bellatrix took Hermione's hand gently.

"Come with me, it's late and I want to talk."

The two women made their way up to Bella's room. Bellatrix closed the door, locking it. She turned to Hermione and stepped close to her. Hermione could feel her breath stick at the back of her throat.

"Do you know how much I'm risking...even just by being near you? He could kill me."

Hermione sighed and blushed. She didn't know what came over her. This morning she arrived here almost too scared to function but now she was practically falling apart for a woman who I had threatened to kill her just a few hours ago. Bellatrix lent in and stopped just short of her lips.

Willing change: revised edition Where stories live. Discover now