Chapter 2

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(Ballister) *sitting on couch* I'm scared for what the kingdom will think or do

(Ambrosius) *crouching down in front of bal* hey it's ok

(Ballister) how do you know?

(Ambrosius) we've fought along side each other ever since queen Valerin welcomed you into the kingdom, the people know of you not as the queen killer that was the director not you bal your not a villan

(Ballister) what will we do then? The kingdom having me as a head knight and director?

(Nimona) you should do it boss your a hero in the kingdom were not put up as villans anymore besides we need a new hide out

(Ambrosius) see even this one thinks you should

(Nimona) boss I'm going to otter bite him

(Ballister) you don't need too nimona it's ok, if this is what you want ambros then I'll be happy to join your side in this

(Nimona) yes yes yes boss

(Ambrosius) I won't pressure you into anything bal

(Ballister) it's a new beginning for all of us besides we need to show the world Nimona has returned

(Nimona) could we do a recording? Our old recording was so popular of the director imagine this one boss

(Ballister) are you sure kid?

(Nimona) yes

(Ambrosius) I'm happy to help *holding hand out to bal*

(Ballister) *holding Ambrosius hand* let's get this video done

(Ambrosius) you should do the recording I'll introduce nimona to the kingdom

(Ballister) let's get it done *setting up camera* we will be rolling

(Nimona) is this alright?

(Ballister) you've got it kid

(Nimona) *standing beside Ambrosius* ready

(Ambrosius) ready

(Ballister) *beginning recording*

(Ambrosius) hello good people of gloreth I am here today to announce the return of a hero a shape-shifting hero that defeated the director, I give you nimona *moving to nimonas side* nimona has returned and as the next king I want to welcome nimona in the kingdom of gloreth as one of our people

(Nimona) hi everyone I'm nimona

(Ambrosius) we've come together and we see nimona as one of us, I will then be planning to welcome Ballister Boldheart into the kingdom as our next head knight he will be a director our knights of gloreth as my choices as the next king Ambrosius Goldenloin signing off

(Ballister) *ending recording* you did great

(Nimona) that was killer boss

(Ambrosius) the whole world saw you again and this time as a hiro kid

(Nimona) boss will we live in the castle?

(Ballister) that is up to ambros but it's something I am fine with kid

(Nimona) yay this is awesome

(Ambrosius) you guys are family of course

(Ballister) *hugging ambros and nimona* we sure are

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