All about the boy in grey slacks.

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In my world everything is different, from the things we eat , to the way we associate, to the people we end up marrying. There is no such thing as best friends , no such thing as planned weddings and brides maids and groomsmen, no such thing as baby showers or get togethers or even birthday party's. Were all sent away at the age of 60 and never to be seen again. We don't name our children, they're names are chosen at birth by the amount of money you are willing to pay to deliver them. Poor people's children are named things with 3 letters, for example me. My name is jax. I'm 20 and on my 30th birthday I will be told who I am supposed to marry. Our significant others are chosen by a Mark given on our lower abdomen at birth. Mine is an arrow. Only one other person is ever given the same Mark and it's the person who was born closest to the time of me. Untill our 30th year we are kept apart and on that day we will meet together at the metro to be married. We cannot say no. It is our fate. We cannot fall in love with anyone else, therefore we are not allowed to associate with anyone of the opposite gender. If there is no arrow, there is no future. My mother and father have been together for 25 years. They fight all the time, they are clearly unhappy, but they were given the same Mark so they have no choice but to stay. There is no other option. They work through the hard times but they are clearly not ment to be. They are made to be. There have been many families who have tried to separate, and when they do they are sent away. Never to be seen again and another family of children are given that Mark.
Life is not fair in my world, our fates are chosen, and we have no choice but to deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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