Chapter 7

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Once they entered the flat, aaji made her sit down and brought some lime water for her. She thankfully gulped it down in one sip. Aaji sat near her. She pulled Uruvi's downcast face up. With an understanding expression in her eyes aaji prompted Uruvi to talk. Aaji's demeanor, her understanding, everything reminded Uruvi of her own mom. The motherly comfort she felt with aaji was what she was missing since this past year. There are some people with whom we never quite feel like sharing anything irrespective of the time we spend with them and then there are some who put us at so much ease that we confide in them in no time. Aaji was one of the latter. Afterall what was the harm in sharing her story with aaji. Strangers are strange confidantes, more trustworthy to us maybe because they are in no way connected to us or our story. Between hiccups of tears, Uruvi narrated her story to aaji. All the while aaji held her close without once interrupting her. She let Uruvi pour herself out, her doubts, her dilemmas. Her problems didnt cease to exist but she sure felt a bit light after sharing all of it. Aaji- You will have to stop this right now.
After pouring herself out, Uruvi expected aaji to console her, sympthazise with her or something along those lines. Aaji's brisk tone caught her unawares.
Aaji-You will have to stop feeling sorry for yourself, you will have to stop feeling sorry for your so called pathetic condition. Don't you realize that you have trapped yourself in this web? Stop obsessing over every small issue.
Uruvi-After all that I told you, how can you accuse me of being a self-obsessing woman? After all those adjustments, all those tears...
Aaji-If today you find yourself wallowing in self-pity, its your own doing. You need to work with patience. You have to put yourself in others' shoes too.
Uruvi-I know you have done me a favour but that doesn't mean you can talk to me in this tone. Hell, I dont even know your name. I should be leaving anyway. Thanks for..
Aaji-I know this old woman doesn't have any right to berate you but listen me out dear. I have seen too many relations disintegrate due to mere misunderstandings.
Uruvi-(with a milder tone)I...I should be leaving.
Aaji-The mind is an amplifier dear. An amplifier of problems. It creates a mirage of thoughts, a mirage of problems where maybe none exist. Sitting and moaning or running away cant help Uruvi, YOU CAN'T ALWAYS RUN. You can't always pretend to be the drama queen of a soap opera. Snap out of it.
Uruvi-AAJI, this really is enough. Thanks for everything.
Saying so, Uruvi clutched her bag and left the house in a huff. God knew what had got into that woman. Whoever was she to judge her in such a light? What did she know about her?
Arghhh...God where to now?...The second time in 24 hours she had stormed out of a house, was standing clueless on the road, wondering where to go. Surely no aaji was coming to her rescue now. And she didn't need her either. Infact, she didn't need anyone. She was well off with no one to hurt her. It was better to be alone than misunderstood. Yes!! Being alone for some time. That was what she needed. She hailed an auto(no, not to the railway station this time :p ).

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