Chapter 2.

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August 2003;

It has been a few weeks since my encounter with Jasper. I never told dad about what happened and don't plan too, he doesn't need to know what happened.

Dad is currently driving me to school. It's the first day of Sophomore year. Matthew and Brielle are at daycare, we just dropped them off. Dad pulled into the school parking lot, I got out of the car.

"See you later dad!" I said through the window.

"Have a good day at School Ana! I love you!" Dad smiled.

"I will. I love you too." I smiled back at him, he drove off and I walked over to Jess, Mike, Angela, Eric and Tyler.

"Hey Ana! Did you hear about the new kids?" Jessica asked excitedly. I shook my head.

"No I haven't, I literally just got here." I said laughing.

"They are big talk of the school." Mike told me.

"Well good for them. Let's go get our schedules guys." I said linking arms with Angela. We walked into the school and to the office. We got our schedules. I only had classes with Mike and Angela.

The first part of the day passed and it was now lunch. Me, Jess, Eric, Mike, Angela and Tyler all sat at our usual table that we claimed last year. Me and Tyler were talking when all the sudden I feel someone poking me like a crazy person. I look over at who's doing it, Jess.

"What Jessica?" I asked her getting annoyed with all her poking.

"Look! There the new kids come." Jessica said pointing to the door. I look up to see five model like people walking into the cafeteria. First were a tall buff guy and a beautiful blonde hair girl walking in together, I noticed they had their hands linked together. That's weird, I heard they're supposed to be siblings. Next, a girl with a pixie cut walked in by herself. She made her way over to a table that the other two just sat at by the window, but before she reached the table she looked over at me and smiled wildly when she saw me. Why was smiling at me like that?

After her, two guys walked in. The taller one had brunette hair, he was alright. Jessica immediately started drooling over him, he wasn't even that cute. Next to him, my jaw dropped when I saw who it was. Jasper. They made their way over to their table. I averted my eyes when I saw Jasper starting to look my way. I can't believe he's here. I looked back at their table to see them all talking. This must be Jasper's family he told me about, all vampires. Just when I thought that, the brunette that Jasper walked in with looked at me, meeting my eyes. I quickly looked away.

"The brunette is so handsome, I wonder if he's single." Jessica said looking at him. I looked over to see him looking at Jessica, a slight disgusted look on his face.

"Jess, you know I love you but he doesn't look interested." I laughed at his expression as I looked back at Jess. She grumbled.

"Well you're lucky, the blonde guy is staring at you Ana." She mumbled. I looked past her to see Jasper staring at me, I smiled at him and he returned the smile. Just then the bell rang. I got up and made my way out of the cafeteria, I could feel Jasper's eyes on me the whole time.

I got to my next class which is History. I sat down at my table. Just then Jasper walked in. He gave the teacher his slip.

"Class! This is our new student, Jasper Hale. Him and his family just moved here. Jasper you will be sitting next to Miss Swan. Anastasia Swan raise your hand so Mr. Hale knows where to sit." The teacher said. I raised my hand. Jasper saw me and started walking towards me. He came and sat next me.

"Well hello Anastasia." Jasper greeted as he put his history book that the teacher just gave him, on the desk.

"Jasper." I nodded to him.

Anastasia Swan [Jasper Hale, Pre-twilight]Where stories live. Discover now