29. It's not Trip, It's Honeymoon

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Double Update 😁🥳
You all are soooooo good,
Enjoy 🌼

Also, The Chapter Includes Smut, So Please Read at your Risk.


I can't Believe It!!!! I am in Maldives!!!!! Ahhhhh Oh my God, I can't believe it

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I can't Believe It!!!! I am in Maldives!!!!! Ahhhhh Oh my God, I can't believe it. My husband is literally The Bestest Husband in this whole world. Oh He is still sleeping, But I woke up a few minutes back and looked out of the Cabin Window and Boom!!

Time to wake him up. Hehe, I jumped back on the bed and Shook him.
"Arshhh, Wake upppp." He didn't, Instead he wrapped an arm around my waist and tried to Pull me down but I slipped out of his Hold and Turned him around.

"Oh my god, Darshhh, Wakeee Up!!!" And Finally My Mr. Opened his eyes and was about to his up when I jumped on him.

"You are the Best Husband in this Whole World!!! Yayyyyyyy." I pecked his Cheeks, Lips and All over the face and settled on his Lap Wrapping my arms around his neck while his Hands came to my thighs.

"Arsh!!! Maldives, Oh my Gawd!! We are on a Tri-
"Honeymoon." I tilted my head a little squinting my eyes.

"It's not a Trip, We are on Our HONEYMOON Sunshine." I bit my lip but Then Narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's a Trap isn't it? But It's Fine, Since you are my Husband I allow you to join me on my Honeymoon." He chuckled, His Morning voice is Hot Man.

"Thank you Baby. Now let's get to the Seats we will be Landing In a Few Minutes." I nodded and was about to get down from bed but He stopped my movement by holding my thighs and Standing up with me in his arms before Walking out of the Cabin. We both sat in our seats and Just in a Few minutes We both were standing In MALDIVES!!!

When we walked out of the Jet a Car was already ready for us, His Bodyguard helped with our Luggage and The Driver passed him the Keys.

"Let's Go, Baby." He said and Opened the Door of Passanger seat for me and Then went to His Seat.

"You are the Best, You know that don't you?"
"And You deserve the best you know that don't you?"
"hehe, I am sooooo happy."
"After listening to this, I am more happier than you Sunshine." He said and Placed a Kiss on finger tips and Laced his Fingers with mine.

We are Currently in Male, The Capital of Maldives, Literally the Most Beautiful place ever. Actually, I love beaches, And At first I thought we might be going to Goa or something but Maldives, I didn't had a Slightest Idea He will plan a Maldives Trip in a Snap of Finger.

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