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she arrived at her destination  there she sees striker standing watching the sky

barbie: um hey

striker: ah your here darling

barbie: so what brings you here

striker: remember that day i save from the skeleton gang from torturing you

barbie: um yes i do 

striker: well than i had started have  feelings with you after i save you  

barbie: you do!

striker: yes i do but to tell you truth

barbie: what is it?

striker: (sign) i'm an assassin

barbie shock

striker: i know your shock but that doesn't matter because of u, you change me made me realize what was i doing and i don't care if you are going to reject me just do it

but then barbie hugs him

striker: huh?

barbie: to be honest with you i don't care if your an assassin i actual fell for you when i saw you

striker: your are the most darling in the world i see your pretty

barbie tears up: oh striker

striker: darling will you be my girlfriend

barbie: yes 

striker: Remember this one thing Doll, don't let your emotions get to you, There are times you gotta face the terrors in this world, no matter what happens, I'm going to be by your side, always.

barbie: i love u

striker: i love u too

they kiss

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