Another night I could not bear,
Breathing in this way-without my soul,
Counting the days till I die,
Death was a dream- one that could not be fullfilled,
Eating my heart,
Filling my soul with dread of living the next day,
Gazing into my soul with those dark red eyes,
Hell was a day away,
In this life I could not breath without dreading Twilight - the end of a terrible day and beginning of another,
Just as the light come toward me I pray for forgiveness of my crimes,
Keep my memories I whisper into the dark,
Let the shadows devour me as long as I can hide from the devil,
My heart is slowly rotting away,
Now as I almost sleep forevermore I stare outside the window,
Off and on I saw a bright light in the distance,
Please forgive me I pray,
Quitness filled me-I could barely hear my heart beat,
Run death called but I sat and thought about my crimes,
Sins are my greatest deads-I made a deal that I could not take back,
Time was ticking away as I prepared for it,
Untill then I thought of where I would go-to heaven or the underworld....
Dark Evil Poems
PoetryPain leaves me numb and unable to move.....Please read and comment on it!