author's note

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[warning: a mini-rant]

dear readers, 

how did the idea for this book come into place?

the idea for this book started when i was observing my teacher pacing up and down the teacher's podium. it was my math teacher. truth be told, he is not bad looking but he is always grumpy and serious, and it's funny, sometimes. my friends wondered aloud as to what sort of person must his partner be.

it was then that the sunshine x grump trope popped in my mind and i had a vague idea forming in my head.

due to exams, i didn't immediately act on it and let it swirl around in my head. a lot of questioning and just thinking about different people i've met over the years helped in forming the characters anu and vineet. a lot that i've written about in this book comes from real life experiences and things that i've observed around me.

to all the readers who have chosen to read this book and join anu and vineet's journey,
thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this book.

thank you to all the readers for the support that you guys have shown me!

happy reading <3


the math teacher i was referring to left the school mid-way 12th grade 

\lowercase intended\

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