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Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed beside Jungkook pulling his hair out of frustration. "What do you want to do? What was on your mind when you decided to run away from there?" he asked in a soft tone. The bride remained silent for few moments and then spoke, ''I couldn't marry someone else knowing the person I love is sacrificing me for such petty reason" Taehyung looked at the boy with widened eyes. "Petty reason? Look around you Jungkook this is my house and my family.This is how my life is. My entire house is smaller than your bedroom. We have two bedrooms here and we are six people. I sleep with my brothers in this single bed. We hardly have three meals a day. We use one single washroom in turns and stand in a queue early in the morning to collect water for the day and then run to the market to get vegetables in cheap price. My siblings share few of the clothes they have among themselves because we can't afford to buy them more than once in two or three years.Where can you fit yourself in here? How will you adjust with us tell me?"

Jungkook didn't answer first so Taehyung spoke again, "It's still not late. Come I will drop you back there.Everything will fall in it's place again" "I won't take much space in your house nor your life Taehyung. I will learn to wake up early and stand in queue to collect water for us. I will learn to bargain and buy cheap vegetables.I can adjust with only two dresses for two to three years. I will survive with having only half a meal a day. I will squish into the little space you have in your room.If it's too much for you then I will sleep in the living room. You don't have to do anything for me. I will stand by you and take care of you and this family.You have taken care of them single handedly until now, please let me lend you a hand in this. I don't want anything else but you.So, please don't return me empty handed. I will find more happiness in this small congested home rather than that big building of MR.Min.Please Marry me and give me the right to stay here and make me a part of your little heaven.P-Please"

Taehyung couldn't stop himself from breaking into sobs hearing the words from the younger.What did he do to deserve such a pure soul? Jungkook pulled the crying boy in his arms and let him cry hiding his face in his neck. When he felt the elder's cries coming to a halt, he pulled his veil and started drying his wet hair carefully. "You should change your dress. Or you will catch a cold. Did you have dinner back there?" The bride smiled to himself when he felt the man shaking his head still hiding it in his neck and the hold around his waist tightened a bit.

"Move away a bit, I will make something for you all. I am sure none had dinner tonight they have been sitting in the living room since I arrived.Who does the cooking everyday?"

"Joon and Hobi"

"That's their name?" he asked softly.

"Yes. The oldest one is Namjoon, he is 16 years old and then Hoseok, he is 15 and both of them are in high school. The twins are youngest and are 5 years old. Soobin and Sanha" he spoke about his siblings, his voice muffled and soft. Jungkook almost whined when the older pulled away from his neck and stood up from the bed. He looked at him confused when he pulled out a medium sized suitcase from one corner of the room and placed it in the middle of the room.

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