Rainimator - WATDx spoiler predictions

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Just like the good old days, it's an hour before a new Rainimator video is released. My friend and I just reached home, and consumed an ungodly amount of lore from the rest of ddhc.  Our hands hurt, I feel really tired, but it has to be done. 

Here are some of the final statements, predictions and spoilers. (dont read if you hate being spoiled (duh) Also read the previous "things you need to know" before this, for more info.

1. Kaia's voice actor. A rather known voice that's been around, being more famous for works this year. Ironically, Melissa's voice sounds just like Kaia's voice actor, and she was trolling (about being Kaia's voice actor) weeks before we found out. It's also not as old as we thought her voice would be.

2. Azura the Piglin Queen. Apparently Azura is going to be messing around and befriending Piglins, which might just save her, assist her or bring her to a place where she can get some big boosts. 

3. Kaia ded? Based on the information and shared/leaked about her voicelines, it's likely she gets too confident in the climax of the video where she faces Azura. (who wields a lightsaber-ish weapon) Kaia might get defeated or perhaps is not as dumb as other characters who get overconfident. She is likely to either retreat or have a false death(where we are tricked into thinking she's gone)

4. Ender Wish, Wishing Dead and Falling. This episode is similar to Ender Wish, where the nether invades the protagonists, and leads into an epic showdown between two of the main opposing characters, and where powerful artifacts must be kept from falling into the nether's hands. It's similar to wishing dead and falling, as it probably shows the recovery of a main character, specifically Azura, as well as introducing cool plot points. 

5. Overall content in the animation. Kaia obtains new crystal, gets intercepted by Azura, Piglins, or just has another movtive, prompting her to attack the frostbourne castle, Dreadfort. After a battle, Azura and Kaia are now in the nether somehow, with Azura only able to fight on the ground. Azura either defeats or scares of Kaia, where she later retreats, and piglins come into play. 

After this, it's unclear due to this episode being the season finale and having many possibilities. Azura might get jumped by Kaia again later on or make it to safety, the frostbourne might have problems dealing with another wave of nether monsters, or manage to fend off the wither angels while suffering some damage/losses. We aren't even sure what happens to that crystal that is originally stolen at the start of the episode, or if the crystal at the frostbourne castle is safe after this. 

6. This episode will have a rather nice epilogue, which posts the stakes and characters that will be evident/seen in season four. Perhaps a scene where the nether army in total is invading the over world, Naeus, the nether dragon and all... (Maybe a new blaze character that seemed to be hinted at?) Maybe Kaia is back from whatever she went through as well. 

It should also contain scenes of the split forces of the over world, such as Rain's trio in the swamplands, the netherbane, and the retreating frostbourne army in the Great Plains. Additionally it might show bonus characters appearing, like Lance' dragon man, Azalea the lush necromancer, Pillagers, etc. (Though these are likely to be saved for epic reveals in season four) Maybe the nether attacks all of them at the same time, regardless of where they are?

This really is one of the best episodes. See you soon for the analysis (probably not today I'm tired)

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