''keep building your house, mrs winchester...''

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You were feeling extremely stressed out. You sat in your room shaking and crying for 2-3 hours before you heard your boyfriend, Mat come through the front door. 

"Hey sweetie, I'm home!" He called, "Bubba?" He walked down the hallway, you saw the bedroom door open slighty, "Hello, my little lovebug." He spoke. He walked over to the side of the bed that you were sleeping on, "Sleepy, huh?" It was then that he noticed your puffy, red eyes and wet face from the amount of crying you'd been doing. "You okay?" He asked with a concerned tone. "What's happened, darling?" He sat on the end of the bed, facing you, lying down and putting his hand on your wet and cold face, "Talk to me, sweetie." He spoke softly. You cried a little more and immediately wrapped yourself around Mat, he took you in his arms, "I dont like seeing my bubba upset..." He stroked your head, he heard your sobbing, "Shh, sweetheart..." You and Mat stayed in each others arms for about 5 minutes before Mat then sat up, with a wet t-shirt of course. He went out of the room and grabbed his guitar. "y/n." He spoke, he put his guitar around his neck, "This is a song for you, my upset little lady." He pouted. He then sang.

"Keep building your house, Mrs. Winchester,

A place for my brothers to rest.
For they found one and all with the mark of your name
On the bullets that tore through their flesh.


Oh, and sleep in a new room each evening,
You were wise not to stay in the best.
For my brothers, they walk through the hallways each evening
Should they find you, they'll keep you from rest.


Does the sound of the work on the East Wing
Help distract you from your guilty fear?
As it stops in the evening, do you find it's replaced by
The sound of the gunshots that ring in our ears.
Ring in our ears.


You immediately smiled, "There's my happy little bunny." Mat stroked your cheek with his index finger. Mat's singing was so soothing that you fell asleep to it. Mat smiled, stroking your cheek with his index finger still. He ran his fingers through your hair, then putting his guitar away, taking his shoes off and snuggling with you for the rest of the day.


"keep building your house, mrs winchester" (y/n x mathew baynton) (fluff)Where stories live. Discover now