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Wilbur, codename Siren, is a villain. A well-known villain in town, and the citizens feared him for his pyromaniac manners. He was always one with the fire, it intrigued him, it gave him meaning; it gave him a purpose. The fire is dangerous, and so is he. He sees himself as a fire, a fire needs a flame to be lit up dangerously, he needs his flame. That's where Quackity comes to play.

Quackity.. is his ray, his sunshine, his flame. Quackity's soft and warm smile made him feel something. Quackity is his source, his beautiful half. He is always with Wilbur, staying by his side. He is so bright for Wilbur, perhaps that's why Wilbur kept reaching out for him.

In one of Wilbur's missions, kidnapping the citizens was part of it; he was standing at the rooftop, smiling, as ashes start to appear in his sight. His plan had succeeded, what he didn't expect was the knife behind his back.

He fell on the ground, and was held with the hands he once thought were warm. The hands that he once slept in. The hands that belong to his sunshine, Quackity. 

Quackity smiled at him, yet there was no brightness in it, it was full of malice, and hatred. He was laid down on his lap, and he was clutching his stomach. 

Wilbur stared at his lover, feeling betrayed. 

It was betrayal, he knows, and it hurts so much. He had shown the truth of his darkness. Yet, Quackity… was he always like this? or did he taint yet another thing of beauty he just wanted to hold close.

They were right all along, don't go near the sun, or else it will burn you. Wilbur knows this, yet, he still reached out for the sun, allowing it to ignite him. Why? The sun is captivating him, it's too much, yet, he still wants more. It damages him, but he couldn't care less. 

He was burning under Quackity's gaze, and he doesn't mind he yearns for it. He wishes for more, more of Quackity's glare. He had completely ignored the sun, he had forgotten how it will too, at the end of the day, vanishes and darkness replaces it. He was dark, yet he failed to notice Quackity's darkness.

He couldn't even bring himself to get angry. Allowing him to melt under him. Even after this, he still sees Quackity as his wonderful sunlight. Quackity still looks perfect to him. After everything, his adoration and love never faltered, his feelings remained the same.

Quackity had always spoken to him so softly, so.. lovingly. He can't possibly be suspicious of Quackity when he so glimpsed at him as if he was a treasure. He is not to blame when those oh-so-beautiful words were just to give him a false sense of trust. Who knew such softly spoken words can cut so deep…? His beautiful rays are an eyesore, Wilbur just realized that. He was overwhelmed by his brightness, that he failed to sense the gentle rays burning him.

Quackity gazed at him, where is the comfort and warmth that Wilbur was holding onto? Was it never there? Quackity stroked his hair, gently, so that he could feel like falling asleep. But he couldn't, not when it's like this.

Wilbur felt like he was staring at the devil, Quackity's gaze was loving, yet the smile he wore was full of malice. Quackity looked like the devil himself, yet he doesn't care. Not when his sun still gazed at him like before. Not when Quackity still looks like an angel to him.

Quackity whispered words to him, they were hypnotizing, yet they weren't reassuring, it was just hatred. He hates me, Wilbur thought. Can he ever accuse Quackity? compared to Wilbur, Quackity is a godsend, an angel. He was far too righteous.

Wilbur laughed, softly, weakly, his lack of blood now slipping in his mind. He's getting fragile, unable to do anything and just let Quackity trail his fingers, he couldn't feel the love from Quackity anymore, yet he still yearns for it.

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