☁️Donuts - Hiyori (kiryu) x Reader

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SUMMARY - You work in your friend's small shop and catch someone stealing.

C/W: none!
T/W: also none! :3

[F/N] - friend's name


It was starting to get late. The sun started to set and the streets were slowly starting to die out. Soon me and [F/N] will be closing the shop and we will both go home.

Who would expect that working with your own friend could be so boring.

There was nothing for me to do! No customers and nothing to kill the time.

I just had to sit behind the cash register and wait, while my friend was god knows where, unloading ware.

Only the low humming of the freezers and my own breath could be heard.

I let out a sigh and glanced at the security monitor next to me. Empty.

I leaned back on my chair and stared at the ceiling.

"Gosh nobody's in here anyway, I just don't understand why we can't close the shop already and go home." I thought to myself.

After what seemed like an eternity of zoning out, a door opening woke me up from my daydreaming.

I heard soft footsteps walk into the aisles. I wasn't fast enough to take a look by myself, so I turned to look at the monitor.

A blonde girl with ponytails dressed in a pink tracksuit was making her way towards the bakery aisle.

And just b'cause there was nothing else for me to do, I kept on watching her. Totally not creepy.

She went towards the donuts. She stopped in front of them and just stood there, holding onto her bag and just watching the donuts.

"That's odd.." I thought to myself as I repositioned myself on the chair.

Then she cautiously looked around, took a one step forward and stuffed about six donuts into her bag!

My eyes widened as I saw that happen. "What should I do? Is she stealing? Of course she's stealing you dumbass! I've actually never caught anyone stealing before!" I thought.

After she finished, she just continued walking around the shop, as if just nothing happened. What is she gonna do now? Steal something else?

After a few minutes of just strolling through the aisles and examining various items, she went towards the exit.

I immediately jumped from my seat and marched towards her, just in time before she'd make her way out.

"Excuse me, miss!" I called out, making her stop in her tracks and turn around to face me. She had a innocent confused look on her face, as if she genuinely didn't know what I wanted.

I got close enough to her, to make sure that she won't run off.

"What is it?" Her voice surprised me, it was a rather manly voice, instead of a girl's one.

I awkwardly coughed and spoke with a soft tone. "I think you forgot to pay, miss- sir- miss..?" I stuttered, genuinely not knowing what to call… it without offending it.

"Sir." He said harshly, looking kind of irritated, as if him getting misgendered was on daily basis. Which is not really surprising to be honest.

"My bad, sorry.." I quickly apologized and then returned to what I was saying before "You forgot to pay for your things."

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