How he became a Hitman

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He wasn't always an hitman..His life was great, he had a loving family, was the first heir of a famous crime boss, and he was next to take over his father's position..that was until,his father found out a secret that should have never came out.

His door slammed upon as he was studying his school work. "Neteyam!" his father's voice boomed. He looked up as he saw his father absolutely pissed. His tail started to flick nervelessly. "Yes sir?" he whispered as he felt fear ran up his back as members of his fathers gang came into his room.

Jake grabbed his braids, gripping them tightly. He forced him to look up. "How dare you?! Dating one of my rivals sons?! Do you know what you did?! You probably told them our weaknesses!" Neteyams heart dropped to pandoras core. 'How the fuck did he find out?!' he though, that's when he met eyes with  his bodyguard..The bodyguard he trusted and told that secret to..

He looked up at his father "Father I didn't! I swear, I would never!" He explained but his father didn't listen. Jake pushed him to the ground. "We can not trust you anymore Neteyam. Your father has decided on killing you..Say goodbye to your siblings." His mother stepped inside, he could see her pain as this was happening to her eldest child.

"What?! You can't do that!" He said in absolute shock. He father glared at him "Yes I can and I will Neteyam. You probably told them valuable information! We can not risk you telling more to that boy-" Neteyam cut him off. "We're not even dating anymore! I only dated him for a few months when I was fifteen! He broke up with me after I was shot!"

he explained, he couldn't lose everything he has worked for, and he couldn't bare the thought of leave his siblings again..this time forever.

"I do not care Neteyam! It's too late now! It has been decided say goodbye to your siblings and meet me downstairs!" He father screamed as he  stormed out of his room, his members soon followed. His mother stayed in his room. She rushed to his closet and grabbed a duffel bag.

Neteyam watched his mother with confusion. "Mother-" he tried to speak but Neytiri just hushed him. She started to pack Neteyams stuff in that duffel bag. Once it was filled all the way to walked over to her son.

"Neteyamur, go out of Tuks room..There's no cameras in there, and no alarms whenever the window is opened. Sneak out of there..I knew this was going to happen, so I have an apartment filled with food..I'll give you the gps, follow that..I love you" She hugged him tightly, as she kissed his forehead.

Neteyam hugged her back tightly. "Momma..I didn't say anything to that boy.." He whispered as he kissed her cheek. The two parted from the hug. Neytiri cupped his
cheeks. "be safe please.." she said as she walked off.

Neteyam sucked up his tears that he wanted to let out, but didn't. He grabbed the duffel bag, and his phone. He ran to his little sisters room. He made his way over to her window, he cracked it open..just like his mother said, no alarm..

He threw his bag first, he watched it fall a few feet, ten feet at best. He sucked in a shaky breath before jumping out of the window. His bag of clothes saved his fall. He grabbed his bag after he stood up, and wiped the dirt off of him.

He checked his surroundings before booking it. He heard people yell at him as he continued to run. He made it to the gate, when shots had fired. He cursed out loud, as a bullet grazed his shoulder.  He made it through the gate and to the road. He started to sprint, he was glad his father  Jake, had placed him in track when he was younger.

He soon noticed a car following him. He let out a line of curses, before he saw a wooded area that he knew goes into a city.. a city where Jakes biggest rival basically owns..
He decided to risk it and go into the wooded area as the car sped up.

He sprinted in the woods, as he heard someone following him.
It was a good two hours of running, he was absolutely exhausted, his legs were burning, his lungs hurt as the cold air of the night filled his lungs.

Once he was in the city limits, he started to walk, catching his breath.
He started to walk to the apartment, his mother had bought..
He was only one block away from the crappy apartment, when he was pulled into a alleyway.

He punched the person in the face the moment he was tugged. The person let him go with a hiss.
Neteyam hissed back at him..that was until the person apologized to him.

"I apologize..I just have a job offer for you.." The man whispered to him. 'A job offer? I mean i could use the money..' he thought. He looked at the sketchy guy. "No, thank you." He said as he started to walk off.
"One hundred thousand dollars! that's how much I'll pay you!" the man shouted.

Neteyam stopped dead in his tracks. He took a deep breath, that'll be helpful..He turned back around. "What is the job?" he asked with hesitation.
"You can become a hit man...Kill ******* for me, and i'll give you the money...I promise-" the man said as he showed Neteyam a bag of money. "then! You can make a work number, and I share it to people that need your services!"

Neteyam took a sharp breath. Before nodding his head. "Okay I'll do it.."
The man seem super happy as he smiled..his smile was nothing warm, just super creepy. "Okay! We'll meet up at the café down the road to discuss this more!" The man said as he walked away...What has Neteyam got himself into now..

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