Chapter two

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And that's how he became a hitman for people in need, and by Ewya does he make a lot of fucking cash. He was able to move out of his shitty apartment, and into a good one, deep in the city.

Everything was absolutely great until he heard two people talking while he was getting groceries, talking about how a mafia boss's son is wanted, and is being hunted down.
He knew instantly it was him. He stopped his shopping and quickly ran home, hoping his father hasn't showed his face yet.

Once he made it into his apartment, after telling hello to the lovely Metkayina women, who's on his floor. He started to close all of his blinds, lock all of his windows, and locked all three locks on his door.

He started to pace, he didn't know what to do if Jake as shared his name or face! He wanted that private, he always has, but now? Now he is basically disowned! Jake wouldn't care even if he begged for his life!

He continued to pace until his work phone started to ring. He stopped pacing to answer the phone call.
The woman answered with a chirp. She sounded so joyful, that he smiled some.

"Is this Net?" The woman asked with no hesitation, which was strange because that's not normal. He felt something was off but he just shrugged the feeling off.

"This is him. I'm guessing you want my services?" He asked the woman. She hummed "Mhm! Do I need to tell you a name?" She asked him.

"Your name? you can if you want to. The Victim's name? You can or you can send me a message" Neteyam answered the woman.

"Oh okay!" she said with another chirp. "Well I'm Tsireya! and I'll send you a text..This is my abusive ex-boyfriend" Tsireya said with a sad tone, as a text was sent.

Neteyam frowned as he heard that sentence. He opened the text and looked at the Metkayina man, with a beautiful tattoo on his face..He was pretty handsome, but he had a job to do.

"Um, Tsireya? I hope I Said your name correctly, but where do you want to meet? Can I do the job, also how much are you paying?" He asked as he looked at his schedule, it was pretty much empty.

"Oh yeah! Can we meet at Sea You Later? Heh get it? It's a dad joke!" she said with a giggle. "Sorry I couldn't help myself! But can we meet there? My ex hangs out there a lot, he'll most likely be there. It's a club" She said, almost too cheerful for his liking but he still ignored his bad feeling.

"Okay, just to let you know it's cash only..I tell everyone that but most people don't listen" He chuckled softly

"Ohh! They should listen, you're doing a very dangerous job- Oh! Also it's eight hundred thousand dollars" Neteyam almost choked on his spit.

"Are you sure-" Tsireya interrupted him. "Yes, please..He doesn't deserve life.. please.." She pleaded to him.

Neteyam took a deep breath. "Yeah, I can do it..How about Friday night at seven?" Tsireya hummed in agreement. "See you then Ney!" she chirped as she hung up.

He placed down his phone, as he rubbed his temples. He'll have to go in disuse as he is wanted by a whole god damn mafia.
He threw his phone on the floor as he yelled into his hands.

He heard a knock at his door. He stopped yelling and walked to his front door. He looked in the peephole, He saw it was the old lady on his floor, he sighed in relief. He opened the door.

"Yes ma'am?" he asked with a smile.
She told him her worries about his yelling. He apologized as he grabbed his wallet and gave her two hundred dollars. She denied the cash but he insisted on it. She frowned before hugging Neteyam.
"Thank you young man..This will help me pay my bills" She kissed his cheek as she waddled back to her apartment.

He smiled before closing his door again, locking all the locks. He went to his couch where his laptop was. He started to look online to find stuff that'll make him look like a female..

On the other side of the phone was Tsireya, placing her phone down, smiling her widest. "We got him!"
She cheered.

Ao'nung, who was arguing with Lo'ak, stopped. "You actually did it?"
He asked his little sister. She nodded her head. "Friday at seven."
Ao'nung chuckled in disbelief.
"This dude is going to regret messing with my members" He hissed out. "Oi, dumbass" He called out to Lo'ak but his sister slapped his arm.
"Do not call my boyfriend that" She scolded as Ao'nung just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Lo'ak. Have you found out his name yet?"

"Nah uh. I can't find anything, it's like he's not real." Ao'nung slapped back of his head. "Dumbass, can't do anything right." Lo'ak rolled his eyes "Hush I'm betraying my father for this!"

"Yeah yeah whatever." Ao'nung slapped the back of his head again. "Also he's your brother, where has my sweet Neteyam gone?"
Lo'ak made a face. "He's not yours, he doesn't even know you!"
Ao'nung scoffed "Not yet" He teased him.

Lo'ak slapped his arm. "Well I don't know, he hasn't called me in a while..Like a month?" He shrugged his shoulders "Well why hasn't he?" Ao'nung whined.
"I dunno, he's probably busy with my father, want me to check on him?"
Ao'nung nodded his head like a child.

Lo'ak sighed as he pulled his phone out. He went to his brothers contact and called him, but it went to voicemail.
"He'll call me back" He shrugged as he didn't think much of it.

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