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It was a beautiful day in Morioh. The sun was shining, while a light breeze prevented the theater from becoming unbearably hot outside.
After long day's work, Tomoko Higashikata was walking back home. The walk was slow, slower than she would've liked, but her blue dress didn't allow moving at a quicker pace. Tomoko knew however that Josuke would likely be spending time after school with his friends and likely be home late as usual, so she wasn't worried. Even if the journey would take a little longer, she should still be able to easily get home and cook something before Josuke come-
Tomoko's walking was abruptly interrupted, as a biker pumped onto her back hard and she fell to the ground.
"Sorry!" The biker yelled out, but kept going as if nothing happened.
"Hey, watch it you- and he is already gone..." Tomoko groaned in frustration. The ache of falling down was already starting to make itself obvious, and as she tried to get up she felt a very sharp pain in her right leg.
"Do you need help, miss?" She heard a bystander say.
Tomoko scoffed. "I'm fine, I just-" She stopped herself as she gasped in pain trying to get up.
"Please, allow me to help. Just give me your hand." The man said, as he offered his hand to her, which she reluctantly took.
Tomoko looked up at the man. He was wearing a suit, but she couldn't find anything distinctive from his features. He was as ordinary looking as they came, with a gentle smile on his face. He carefully helped her get up, but she had to lean in on him for support.
"I think I may have sprung my ankle..." Tomoko muttered in frustration. Getting home like this would be such a pain.
"I can help you get back home." He said, causing Tomoko to look at him. "It wouldn't be a bother, honestly. My schedule is free today." He continued as he looked down at her hand which he still held.
"Uhm... sure." Tomoko mumbled looking away. He carefully put his arm around her, so she could rely on him as they walked. The first few steps went in silence as they tried to find a rhythm, but soon enough they got into a steady pace.
While Tomoko's pride did take a hit, she also felt relieved at the thought of getting home in an orderly manner. "Well? Does my knight in shining armor have a name?" She said in a teasing tone.
He chuckled in response. "Where are my manners?" He wondered out loud. "My name is Yoshikage Kira."


"I'm home!" Josuke called out as he opened the front door, stepping inside.
"Had a nice day?" He heard his mom call out from the living room, so he decided to go there. He heard that the radio was on, and there was some noise coming from kitchen. He took a quick glance, to see some guy cooking. He raised an eyebrow, but walked to the living room where he heard his mom call out.
"Hey, whose the guy?" He asked as he came to the living room. He saw his mom laying on the couch, with her leg wrapped up in bandages.
Tomoko smiled at him. "Oh, don't worry about him. I just got my leg a little hurt, and Kira over there offered help. I couldn't really refuse."
Josuke nodded. Morioh was a nice small town, so getting help from another member of the community was nothing out of the ordinary. He couldn't say he was upset about the visitor either when he noticed the great smell of his cooking that lingered in the air.
Josuke walked over to her and brought out Crazy Diamond, which made a quick chop on her leg. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm fine, I just-" Tomoko stopped, and slowly lifted her leg. "Oh wow." She muttered as she looked at it. It was as if the injury was never even there. "It's completely fine now!"
Josuke smiled as he looked his mom stretching her leg as she sighed happily. He heard steps behind him, and turning to look saw Kira drying his hands, with his sleeves wrapped. "The dinner is ready, I hope you're hungry." He spoke calmly.
"Thank you so much! And yes, I am." Tomoko said getting up. "Josuke, could you set the table for the three of us?"
"Uhm, sure thing mom." Josuke replied. It felt weird. Usually they were having a meal with just the two of them, so this felt very foreign. He couldn't place it how he felt. It wasn't as if he disliked Kira. On the contrary, he was actually grateful that he helped his mom. He couldn't simply shake of the feeling that this ordinary, quiet, and decent man was... too much so. Everyone he had ever met had some quirk about them, but this Kira.
Josuke eyed at Kira, but walked to kitchen and started pulling out plates. As Kira brought the pan and kettle to the table, Josuke brought the cups and cutlery.
The three of them sat at the table, and Kira placed the food before them. It was a simple meal of rice and fried veggies with sliced-up sausages.
Tomoko took a bite, and after she swallowed she smiled. "This is actually great! I'm surprised, I have tried the same thing myself but never managed to get the veggies right."
Kira smiled. "I'm glad, it took me months to perfect the timing and temperature." He said as he took his first bite.
Josuke eyed the food, before he started eating himself. He knew that his mom was good at making rice, but this was different. It had a hint of something else, that made the food special. He took another bite, and then looked at Kira. "So, Mr. Kira. What do you do for a living?"
Kira held his hand up and swallowed before responding. "I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores. It is a well enough paying job, though I have never had a lot of expenses, since I inherited my parents' house. It's a very nice place in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are." He said while smiling.
"So, you're rich?" Josuke asked with a raised eyebrow.
Kira closed his eyes. "I wouldn't say that. I just happened to inherit a good property and its furniture along with a working car, so most of my expenses have always been just food and essentials. I like to live a quiet life, and overly expensive hobbies, activities, and such aren't for me."
"You're so lucky! I'm jealous." Tomoko said with a smile.
Josuke sighed. "I bet it's full of valuable antiques, isn't it?"
Kira rubbed his chin. "My father did have an eye for extraordinary objects." He said mysteriously.
Josuke had a nagging suspicion that Kira's father was involved with some unethical business, but it would be rude to ask. And Kira was so nice and gentle. Josuke thought it would be rude to even entertain the thought, so he focused his thoughts on something else. "So, Kira. Do you live alone?" He asked.
"Yes. I'm not really an animal lover, and I have yet to marry. It's a peaceful life." He smiled as he looked out of the window. "I do have a blooming garden though." He added.
Josuke nodded as he swallowed more food. It was pretty good. He watched as Kira took a sip of milk, before putting the cup down. "But that's probably enough about me. How about you, Josuke? Tomoko here talked quite a bit about you, but I would like to hear something from you yourself." He said while looking at Josuke.
Josuke shifted in his chair, before he answered. "I'm still a high schooler, no job or anything. I play video games in my free time, and I'm pretty good at fixing things."
Kira nodded. "That's nice, I hope you get a chance to use your talents." He said before continuing. "I'm sure a boy like you has a lot of friends, hmm?"
"Well, yeah. I have lots of friends." Josuke said. It was the truth. He had lots of friends.
"I see." Kira smiled as he continued to eat his food. "Good ones I hope?"
"Uh... yeah. I suppose they are."
"I hope you're not referring to that Nijimura boy." Tomoko muttered while looking at Kira.
Josuke blushed. "Mooom!"
Kira looked at Tomoko. "I take it you don't like him?"
Tomoko sighed. "He's not bad per se, just a bonehead with no ability to read the room. Doesn't help that since he lives close by he likes to make himself at home here often." Tomoko quickly turned to Josuke. "Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful you have such a close friend, but just try to... Not, take after his habits."
"Yes, mom." Josuke groaned.
Tomoko smiled. "Now Jotaro on the other hand, you should take after him more."
Josuke sighed. "I know, and I agree. Jotaro has been a good mentor." He spoke, as both Tomoko and Kira smiled, listening intently. "I feel he has helped me a lot with my s- hobby." He spoke, hoping that neither his mom or Kira would notice the nervous stutter in his voice.
"A hobby? Sounds interesting." Kira said with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. It's not a big thing or anything." Josuke muttered, while scratching the back of his head. "But it's like... a part of my life."
"I see." Kira said looking out of the window, as if lost in his thoughts. "That's nice." He finally said, turning his attention back to the conversation. "I suppose you are on your way to becoming a young man then."
"Yeah, I guess so." Josuke said with a smile. Maybe he was needlessly nervous and weary about Kira. It was probably just his protectiveness of his mother playing tricks in his brain, searching for flaws in the ordinary man.
Kira stood up from his stool. "Pardon me, I forgot the desert." He said as he walked to the counter, taking two bowls. He put some cream in one of them, before scooping a handful of berries and placing them into the second bowl. He brought both of them to the table, and offered one to Tomoko and the other to Josuke.
"Thank you!" Josuke said happily and smiled widely.
"Josuke, desert after the meal!" Tomoko scolded.
"Please Tomoko, he is a good growing boy, one small bowl of cream won't take away his appetite." Kira said with a smile.
Tomoko looked at Josuke, who nodded, so she gave in. "Alright."
Josuke dug into the cream. It was light, and tasted great. He hummed happily as he rolled a berry on his tongue.
Tomoko looked at him, and couldn't help but smile, and began to giggle. "I guess you're right. He is a good boy. And you're a good man. Kira." She said and turned to face him. "Thank you for making the dinner, if I didn't remember to say that already. I believe it's safe to assume you like cooking?"
Kira hummed. "I have learned to like the small things in life. I enjoy the quiet, predictable, routine life."
"That sounds nice." Tomoko said with a smile. "It's easy to get lost in life's madness, instead of just enjoying what you have. But there must be something more that you want, right? Or is your life perfect as it is?"
Kira smiled. "There is. I have had a clear goal of what I want, what I desire ever since I was a child actually. It is an overwhelming feeling, that I've tried to control, but I just can't. How could I? After all, Tomoko, you have such beautiful hands." He said as he put his left hands thumb up.
Josuke immediately rose from his seat, and Crazy Diamond appeared behind him. "What do you think you're-" He couldn't finish, as Kira pushed his thumb down Josuke immediately started feeling something from the bowl in his hand.


Yoshikage Kira walked by the street, and stopped by a big, ramshackle house. "So this is the Nijimura residence." He said to himself. "Sheer Heart Attack!" He called out and watched the small tank move towards the house. "And that should do it."
He took a photo out of his pocket. It was a picture of Josuke, along with many of his friends. "Hmm, I don't really know where the others of Josuke's allies live. Well, no matter, I will just kill them when I find out. I'm not in a hurry, and there is no way for them to find me, or even know who I even am." He chuckled to himself. He opened his jacket a little and peeked inside. "I think we should go back home, and have the rest of the day just for the two of us. What do you say, Tomoko?" He listened carefully, and closed his jacket. "I'm glad you like the idea. I feel like this will be a nice evening."


Crack Omake - How Diamond is Unbreakable should've ended

Kira looked down at Shikechi, with The Harvest surrounding him and his Killer Queen. He had a plan, and Killer Queen moved his hand just enough to show off the 100 yen coin.
Shikechi immediately noticed. "Didn't I tell you to not move? Fuck this, I'm not gonna take chances with a weirdo like you! Harvest, harvest his organs!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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