Unexpected meeting

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After winning the KBS Seoul trip Luisana finally arrived in Korea

It was late at night and because of the long hours of plane delays she missed a lot of the day. But too excited to just stay at the hotel and wait for the next day she decided to go to Hongdae because she heard that the nights are still alive there

One hour and a half later she was walking through the streets fascinated about the people, food stands and music that came from the many clubs. Just looking at all the things that are happening around her gives her a warm feeling that she can not explain.

After watching one of the amazing street musicians she turns around and bumps into someone so hard that she fell on the ground. "Sorry" both says at the same time. Luisana in English and the person in Korean. "Can you get up" she heard a man ask. She looked at the stretch hand. There was big tattoo on his right hand that looked familiar. "Yes" she said while taking his hand. "Are you sure?" Too embarrassed to look up she only nodded. "Alright, bye then" and he walked away. Standing there Luisana finally looked up only too see his back. But there is a nagging feeling in her mind that something about the man is familiar. Not only his tattoo but also his voice and style. That's not possible she thought and continued here walk through the streets...

Two days later she was at KBS for her free backstage Music Bank tour. At was like a dream come true seeing all those idols that were there for their come back or new artists that just debuted. VIXX, BEAST, SISTAR, MISS A, IU and more that she recognized. With a lot of autographs Luisana happily walks through the hallway. The rehearsals were done and she was asked to go to the standing area for the show. Still with her head in the papers she bumped into someone and let all the autographs fall. "Shit" she cursed softly. "Sorry" they said at the same time. "It is you again". Me again Luisana repeated in her head before looking up. The person standing before her smiling was Jay Park. Like a idiot Luisana was gaping at him with her mouth open. "I meet you here again" he said while picking up here autographs from the ground. Luisana couldn't get a word out so she also decided to help him help her pick up the autographs in silence. I would remember meeting Jay she thought. After they picked all of them he gave his share back to her. "Where are you from? America?" He asked. "No Europe" she answered. "She speaks" he said playfully. Luisana smiles shyly. "Where in Europe" he asked again. "The Netherlands". "I have been there" he said with a big smile. "For a concert". "I know. Two of my best friends went to that concert". "And you didn't. I'm hurt" Luisana looked at him and saw that the smile disappeared from his face. "Maybe it make you feel better if I say that I really regret not going" she said faintly. "I'm just playing with ya" he said while laughing out loud. A man came walking towards Jay. Because they were speaking Korean Luisana didn't know what they were talking about. "I need to go" Jay said after the man walked away. "How long are you going to stay in Korea?" "Five more days". "Maybe we will bump into each other again" he said coyly. "Maybe we will" Luisana said hopefully back. "Our maybe you want to hang out with us tonight. Going to the club or something like that". Luisana had a KBS tour for the whole day and wasn't sure if she had free time at night. She really wanted to go with him. It's a chance in a lifetime you can't decline. "I don't know" she said sadly. "Do you have another paper and pen?" Luisana gave him a blank paper and the pen. Quickly he wrote something down and gave it back. "Here is my autograph and that.." He points too the right corner of the paper "...That is my number. If you have time call me". Happy Luisana nodded with her head. "Than I'll be waiting for your call" and he walked away. OMG what just happened Luisana yelled internally. She looked at the autograph and number and felt so good that she wanted to jump out of joy but she kept it in. Dreamily she hugged the papers and walks toward the standing area.

It was 8pm and the tour was done for the day. Luisana was lying in the bed with her phone in her hand. Shall I call him or not. A half hour past and she is still pondering if she would call or not. It is not that she didn't want to go. She really really wants to go but it is not that she is calling a random person she met on the streets. She is calling someone that everyone recognized. A person that she only saw on the other side of her laptop and enjoyed listening to on her phone. This experience is like a dream come true. She dialed his number but didn't press the call button. Frustrated she rolled on her bed. "Why can't I just call him. Hey it's me from this morning, it seems I have time to hang out. Is that so hard to say" she said out loud not knowing that she accidentally press the call button while rolling around. Heavenly Luisana signed. "Why" she yelled loudly this time. Quickly she stands up and let herself fall into the soft bed staring at the ceiling. It was quiet in the room. And then faintly she heard a voice coming from somewhere. Looking around here she found the voice coming from her phone. Without looking she picked it up and put it against her ear. "Hello" she said softly. "Oh you finally noticed". In totally shock Luisana looked at her screen and saw that she dialed the number. "Shit" she cursed for the second time that day. She could hear him laugh on the other side of the phone. "Where are you? I'll pick you up". "I'm staying at the Lotte Hotel Seoul in Myeondong". "Alright than I'll pick you up in front of the hotel in like one hour. I can't get out of the car because people will recognize me but I'll honk two times to let you know it's me" "okay" Luisana said while thinking what the hell she is going to wear and how she is going to be ready in one hour. "Cool, see ya later" and he hung up.

One hour later Luisana was standing in front of the hotel not completely happy with what she was wearing. If she had more time she could do better but she didn't want to keep him waiting. A black car with tainted glasses came driving up. Luisana waited until the car honked two times and it did. Shyly she walked toward the car and stepped in. In the car Jay was smiling brightly at her. "You are looking good" he complimented her. "Thank you. I could have done better" she smiled back. "No this is perfect. We are also meeting my friends. I don't want them to be all over you. That will be a headache for me". He winked at Luisana and started driving.

They arrived at something that seems like a fancy bar that you see in drama's a lot. Luisana could feel his hand on her back guiding her farther into the back of the bar. There was a big and loud group of guys and few girls yelling and laughing. The table was already full of bottles soju and beer. Jay greeted everyone with there special handshake. From Luisana point of view it looked funny. One of the guys she recognized as Jay's friend Cha Cha. "And who is that" one of his friends ask. Jay walked toward Luisana and grabbed her hand pulling her in front of him. "This is..." "Luisana, Lulu" Luisana finished his sentence when she noticed him blankly looking in front of him. "Yes Luisana" he said coyly. "Don't tell me you didn't know her name" another friend ask. "Of course I did" he said with a little pout. "No you didn't, he didn't right" this time he ask Luisana. Not knowing how to answer she looked at Jay who showed her a little wink. "No he didn't" she decided to be playful. "Hey, you are supposed to back me up". At that everybody started laughing. "So what is the plan after this" Cha Cha asked. "I thought about grabbing a club, letting loose, shaking everything out" Jay said. "Why are you talking like that?" One of the girls asked. "Yes it is creeping me out" the other said. "He is just acting up in front of the girl" the guys said. Jay was glaring at everyone. That made Luisana softly laugh. "He is to busy acting good that he didn't noticed that his girl didn't have a drink since they came here". Luisana shyly looked down. His girl they said. Do they all think like that. "Oh sorry" Jay apologized. He grabbed a bottle of soju. "I don't drink" Luisana hurriedly lied. "Why not" Jay asked surprised. "My body can't take alcohol that very well". While waiting for Jay to pick her up Luisana decided to not drink because she didn't want to make a fool out of herself. "Don't worry I'll take care of you. And here in Korea it is rude to not take a glass from someone older than you". Jay was looking with pleading eyes at Luisana. Shall I take this glass? But if I take this one it is possible that others are also gonna give me...

As soon as she said yes she immediately regretted it. After Jay pour her a glass everyone started pouring her a glass. "Are you alright?" Jay asked. Luisana nodded. She was a little tipsy but she didn't want Jay to know. "We are going to the club right now. If you don't feel well we can also just take a walk and talk. Luisana looked into Jay's eyes and saw that he was really concerned. "I'm alright. It's been awhile since I have been to a club. Back at home I don't have time because of work, so I want to go. Plus I really like your friends. They are fun to hang out with". "Only them!" Jay ask mischievously. "And of course you too" Luisana hurriedly said. "Good because I'm having fun too. Mostly because you are here with me". For a little while they were looking into each other eyes forgetting everything around them. "Come on love birds lets go" one of the guys said breaking Jay and Luisana out of there trance. Shyly she stood up.

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