A lucky dream

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Luisana woke up because of the ringtone of her phone. Quickly she picked it up. "Hello" she answered softly. "Good morning Miss Kocks. We were expecting you 15 min ago in front of the hotel for the shopping tour". Luisana looked at the time and cursed softly. "I'm sorry I overslept. I'll be down in another 15 min. I'm really sorry". After Luisana hung up she quickly stood up but sat down again while grabbing her forehead. Her headache was terrible. She thought back at the night before. They arrives at the club, there was more drinking and a lot of dancing but after that was completely blank. Luisana can't even remember how she got back at the hotel. For 5 min she was sitting on the bed trying to figure out what she forgot until she remembered that she didn't have time for that because people were waiting for her. A condition about winning this trip was that she needed to attend all the tours KBS provided. This is going to be a tough day. In de car on the way to one of the famous markets on the list Luisana got a text message.

'Hey good morning. How are you doing? I hope you slept well and that you don't have a headache. If you do there is a nice hangover soup place I know. Thank you for the great day yesterday. I'll be busy the coming days but i hope you and I can hangout once more before you leave. Just the two of us \(//∇//)\. Well... Hope to see you soon

Jay Park'

Luisana read and read the text over and over again. She thought it was a cute text. He even used emotions. Quickly she texted him back that she really wants to hang out with him again. Only she didn't put it so desperately. For the whole day she felt like she was walking on the clouds

For two days Luisana and Jay keep texting each other and became good friends. Receiving texts from Jay became one of the happy moment in Korea. She was done with the tours and only had free time. Luisana went from window shopping at Gangnam because the stores were to expensive to stalking at the YG Building without luck. She didn't mind she was having a great time just walking around Seoul. Also brought some clothes and met a lot of nice local people. Plus the next day she'll meet Jay again. He had a unexpectedly free schedule that afternoon and really want to spent it with her. That day Luisana woke up early because she still wasn't satisfied with the clothes she choose the day before. She looked at her phone and saw that she received a text that morning while she was still sleeping. It says that he can't pick her up and could meet up some place else. Quickly she replied him and started choosing different outfit. At 6PM Luisana was waiting at there meeting place. It was a quiet place at a small river. There weren't a lot of people. The place gives her a calm feeling. Suddenly she felt a pair of hand covering her eyes. "Guess Who" the voice said. "Hmm" Luisana played along. "From the size of the hands it's probably someone short". "Short" Jay said shocking while taking away his hand. Luisana could still hear the amusement in his voice. "You can't say that, you are shorter than me". Jay started tickling Luisana. "Sorry sorry, please stop" Luisana begged between laughing. "Not until you promise to never call me short again". "Alright alright I promise" Jay stopped and took a step back to let Luisana catch het breath. "I was just telling the truth" Luisana said and step back right in time while sticking her tongue out. "It's beautiful here". "Yes it is. You also look beautiful. You are beautiful" shyly Luisana sit down while saying a soft thank you. "I was just telling the truth" he said laughing and took a seat next to her. The atmosphere was very awkward. "You will be leaving in two days". "Yes I'll" Luisana nodded. "This will be the last time that I'll see you. My schedule is way too full the next days". This time Luisana didn't reply but sadly looked at her hands. "I wish you could stay" Jay continued. "We were starting to become very good friends" friends Luisana thought. From the beginning I only wanted us to become friends but why am I getting so sad right now hearing that word coming from him. Luisana abruptly got up and turned away from him. "What's wrong?" Jay asked standing up. "Nothing. I just want to go for a walk. "Are you sure? I don't believe you". "Yes" Luisana said while looking into Jay's eyes hoping he won't notice that she actually was sad. "Alright" he said not completely convinced. "Don't worry I'm just sad to leave Korea too" Luisana said and smiled at him the best way she could. For a minute he stared at her but at some point he let it go and started walking. "Jay I think I really like you" Luisana said softly and run after him.

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