7.Sorting and French

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when I got down from the train a woman that looked like she was in her 70s approached me.

"Welcome, you must be Eleanor Alexandria Maximoff." She said and I nodded.

"Since this is your first year here, you're going to be sorted with the first years because you don't know what your house is yet. So, please follow me."

I followed her to a doc of some sort with boats that I assumed were going to take us to Hogwarts.

Since I was a third year I got to board a boat on my own.

They swam across what I assumed was the Black Lake as we arrived in front of Hogwarts.

After that, Professor McGonagall took us to two big doors which I assumed led to the Great Hall.

She gave a speech and then turned to me and said." You'll be sorted after the first year since you're an older student."
To which I answered."of course ma'am."

An hour or so later, I heard the booming voice of the Headmaster Dumbledore, say to every student in the Great Hall.

"This year we will be welcoming a new student, that will be joining the third year.
She will not be needing a wand since she can do wandless magic. But a piece of advice, NEVER provoke her, because you have no idea what she is capable of. Now, please join me in welcoming, Eleanor Alexandria Maximoff."

"Acera Portuguese." I said, as I entered the Great Hall, my head held high, as I made my way towards the stool that sat at the very front of the hall.

I smirked when I heard the murmuring and muttering of students, thanks to my werewolf genes.

"What is a Maximoff doing at Hogwarts?"

"She's gorgeous."

"isn't she the daughter of Wanda Maximoff?"

"what's an American student doing in Hogwarts?"

"I hope she's in Gryffindor."

"No way, she's definitely a Ravenclaw."

"are you crazy? she looks like a Hufflepuff if I've ever seen one."

I sat down on the stool to get sorted, but then an old hat was placed on my head as it started talking.

"A Maximoff, Eh? I've never sorted one before. But let's see, you're as Brave as a Gryffindor, as intelligent as a Ravenclaw, maybe even more than Rowena Ravenclaw herself. You're as loyal as a Hufflepuff, and as cunning and sarcastic as a Slytherin. But where to put you, I have no idea. I've never sorted someone with as much raw power as you, nor someone that possesses the qualities of all the houses. But you're a little too sarcastic for your own good."

"just like your mothers."

"just like my mothers."

We both said at the same time making a chuckle.

"Better be ... Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table roared with applause and cheers, some even whistling and cheering my name, as I sat down, and my tie turned silver and green.

"Why didn't you tell us that you could do wandless Magic?" Pansy asked as she started eating dinner.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, and I just thought it would be best if I told you when we got to Hogwarts." The others nodded and understanding.

I sat down with pansy on my right, Daphne on my left, and Draco across from me with Astoria clinging onto him for dear life, as Enzo sat on her left and Blaise sat on Draco's right, while Theo sat on Pansy's right.

I sat down with pansy on my right, Daphne on my left, and Draco across from me with Astoria clinging onto him for dear life, as Enzo sat on her left and Blaise sat on Draco's right, while Theo sat on Pansy's right

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Astoria: Just because you can do wandless magic, doesn't mean you're special, it just makes you more freakish.

Alex: Just because you think you're special, and your freakishly in love Draco, doesn't mean that I have to be like you.

The others: Oh shit!

Astoria: Dracy-poo! Tell her to stop, and leave right now.

Alex: And exactly why should he listen to you?

Astoria: Because I'm his girlfriend.

Alex: No, because you're delusional.

Just then, I heard the Great Hall burst into laughter, cheers and Applause, and that's when I realized that they had heard me and Astoria's conversation.

Even Professor Snape and McGonagall managed to crack Smiles, while Dumbledore started laughing hysterically.

Then, I turn to Draco who was wearing an amused smirk on his face while looking at me.

And after that, Astoria stormed out of the Great Hall, while two other girls who I assumed were her Minions, that I didn't care to remember their names, followed her out like lost puppy dogs.

Pansy : That was so badass!

Daphne: You just humiliated her in front of everyone in the Great Hall!

Enzo: That was the best comeback I have ever heard!

Theo: She was so humiliated she literally left the Great Hall!

Blaise: Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to the comeback Queen.

Enzo: She's more Savage than you Draco.

Daphne: And that's really saying something.

Draco: Thanks for humiliating her and scaring her off.

Alex: Ce n'est rien.
[it's nothing.]

Pansy: Wait... You speak French too?

Alex: What do you mean 'too'?

Theo: Draco also speaks French.

Alex: Really? It's my first language. I guess that'll be fun.

Daphne: Yeah, at least every time he says something in French, will know what it is.

Alex: That depends on me if I want to tell you or not, so don't get your hopes up too high.

Then, I went back to eating my food, smiling, knowing that I had made new best friends  on my first day Hogwarts.

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