ʟᴜᴋᴇ ʜᴄs

162 13 6

ᴛᴡ: some stuff below might be triggering for some.

(if he ever gets a backstory in s2 and it's not even similar to anything I said, I'll probably delete them out of embarrassment😭)


✧His parents are almost never at home, so that's why he's mostly around Zander's house. At first he was embarrassed, but in time he had grew a huge bond with Zander's family.

✧had worked at Starbucks for quite some time

✧he's always zoned out, and Zander's always talking.

"Wow you know, you're such a great listener"
"Sorry what were you saying?"
He doesn't even do it on purpose, he just can't concentrate on concentrating


✧has a tiktok acc he's very active on, it's private tho

✧he's a natural brunette but when exposed to sunlight he looks ginger

✧has freckles but he covers them up with concealer

✧owns this pair of slippers

✧owns this pair of slippers

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he really likes them

✧his love language is physical touch

✧doesn't take his anger out on people, but he does let it out on his drums

✧he makes the most hilarious jokes, but he doesn't even find them that funny, wich just makes it even more hilarious since he'd just stand there like "🙂" while you laugh your lungs

ᴛᴡ ғᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ:
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✦due to him being so popular among girls he had grew social anxiety, so he always sticks around Zander and Hailey in school

✦was insecure about his body, and it's the reason he started working out

✦is a huge overthinker and takes almost everything personal, and it keeps him up at night just remembering everything everyone said to him

✦he chews gum instead of eating. it has became a habit from when he was on a diet, and still tries his best to get rid of it

✦he's afraid of coming out to his parents since they're homophones. he's also afraid of how his relationship with them will end up when they eventually find out.

✦abandonment issues


Can't come up with more🦟
But I'll post more of these if I do eventually think of more

I know not all of them rlly needed a trigger warning, but i put it there just in case

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