t h r e e

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It had been a week since the first day of school. A week since already one of my best friends, Chris walked into my life. And a week since Finn and I last talked.

First and second period are almost unbearable at this point due to how awkward everything is. We haven't actually started any math yet cause the teacher is behind, so it was really just a free week for people to get to know each other, yet we never said a word. Occasionally, I would catch myself looking over at him or him looking at me, but those interactions lasted 5 seconds tops.

Second period, homeroom is more bearable thanks to the fact that two other girls sit at the same table, but the second I join in on any conversation, Finn shuts up and closes himself off. I almost feel guilty about it, but it's not even my fault. I literally never did anything to the dude.

I can confidently say, though, that I might have a small crush on Chris. Over the week, he had started walking me to second period and even stopped by my lunch table to say hi. I try to remind myself that it's just a schoolgirl crush and not to fall too fast, but any thought of that gets tossed out the window when he simply just smiles at me.

it's Monday again, and I am currently grinning like an idiot in my own bed, thinking over all mine and Chris' interactions over the past week. After way too long, I decided to actually get up and start getting ready for school again. Thankfully, not many assignments came out last week, so I'm all caught up, but I have a feeling the reality of junior years homework is coming up fast, and I am not excited.

After finishing all my hygiene and makeup crap I put on my outfit I laid out last night. A pair of flared, black leggings and a baggy sweatshirt over my sports bra. After throwing on my same pair of worn-out converse, I head downstairs to look for some breakfast. I open the fridge and freezer to see absolutely nothing that can be made in time before I have to leave. I scan the rest of the kitchen and eventually decide to just stop by mcdonalds on the way to school. Trying to remember the last time I opened my wallet. I'm pretty sure I have enough for me, Iverson, and Bonnie.

Leaving the house, I smile, remembering that I'm going to see Chris. Maybe all my interactions with him will make up for Finns childish behavior.

I walk into class 5 minutes before the bell rings so I can finish my fries and see Chris waiting at my desk. A grin spreads across his face when he sees me, and I automatically walk over to him, smiling back.

"Heyyy Kiara."

I giggle at his playful tone, "hi Chris."

If there is one thing I've learned from being around Chris, it's that he is so flirty. The second I lean against the table, he swings an arm over my shoulder and smiles down at me. I swear if he was a dog, he would actually be a golden retriever.

"Okay, so hear me out. There's this back to school party that I'm throwing tonight, only juniors and seniors, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"A party on a Monday seems kinda stupid doesn't it..?" It's literally the first day of the week and assuming it's the kind of party I think it's going to be there is most definitely going to be alcohol of some sort.

"Well, I mean kinda, but this week is where teachers really start to dive into shit so think of this like our last day off before wanting to kill ourselves for 9 months." A pleading smile reaches his face, begging me to say yes.

Realistically, I would've already agreed, but my parents would never allow me to go, and just the idea of getting caught sneaking out of the house is terrifying. "I'm sorry Chris but-"

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