Trevor Grayson is the son of one of the greatest heroes on Earth, Omni-Man. After developing his powers, Invincible decided to become a dedicated, full-fledged hero, as the Justice League decided to place him into a team of young heroes: Robin, Aqua...
It was the Fourth of July and families in Gotham City Park were celebrating with a BBQ. Unfortunately, it is interrupted, as an ice ray is blasted onto the families, freezing them solid. Most of the people tried to run, but the blast moved to fast. One remaining family looks up to a ledge, where the blast was coming from, and were terrified as they saw Mr. Freeze standing on it, with his freeze-blaster aimed at the family.
Mr. Freeze: Enjoying family time?
Freeze then shoots and freezes the remaining people solid. He then slides down from the ledge and jumps over the frozen civilians. As he lands, he sees a few more civilians running away from the scene. As Freeze takes aim onto them, his aim is interrupted, as a batarang is thrown at his gun, throwing him off.
Mr. Freeze: Batman? I was beginning to think you'd never-
Mr. Freeze turns, only to see no one was there. He then looks around, as he hears a childish laughter, echoing throughout his surroundings. He tenses up, as someone jumps on his shoulders, making him loose his balance. As Freeze falls down, he checks to see the man landing in front of him was not Batman, but Robin who attacked him.
The Boy Wonder then threw two batarangs at the weak points of Freeze's helmet, cracking it.
Mr. Freeze: (disappointed) Oh. Boy Wonder. The bat sent you to drag me off to prison. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed.
Freeze slowly picks himself up and aims his blaster at Robin.
Robin: Great! But, I'm kinda in a hurry here.
Mr. Freeze: (smirk) Kids. Always in such a rush.
Robin: (sing-song) ~Not talking to you~.
Freeze raised his brow in confusion, until he noticed a shadow hovering over him. It was Darkwing floating on his hover board.
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He grabs three throwing stars in each of his hands and throws them towards Freeze. Freeze attempts to blast as many as he could, but only one hit him. It then began to beep blue, as it emitted electricity, shocking Freeze, along with temporarily disabling his weaponry. As he opened his eyes, he turned to his left to see Batman gliding towards him, as he punched his helmet, breaking it.
Star City
On the main bridge, Icicle Jr lands onto the road and creates an ice ramp, causing cars to fly in the air and crash. As Junior laughs manically, he doesn't notice four arrows hit the ramp. When he finally turn to see them, an arrow hit his shoulder. The arrows begin to blink a red light, as the one on his shoulder explodes, before the rest do, breaking the ramp and weakening Junior. He then looks up to see the source of the arrows was Green Arrow and his trusty sidekick, Speedy.
Icicle Jr: (smirks) Finally! Was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here.
Juniors arms then form into giant shards, as he throws them at the archers, while they continue to throw arrows.