Stay with me

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(Coming to a end! I hope you enjoyed reading once again😈)

(No one's POV)

'After having a "night" ..'

'Akutagawa wakes up first and sits up letting out a groan, and taking a glance at the floor seeing a bunch of 'clothes' laying there'

'(Hm?...) He then slowly turns his head facing to the other side gripping on the sheets

'(W-Weretiger?...Those ...marks?...From me..)' He quickly removes the blanket and putting on pants stumbling to the kitchen'

'(Shit...Damn, why did that happen..AGAIN?!..)' He fills him up a glass of water and walking towards the living room sitting on the couch'

(Atsushi POV)

'(Ugh, ..What time is it?..)' He let's out a groan and flops out of bed staring at his legs notching a lot of "love marks"

'(M-Marks?...B-But why?...)' He limps out of bed picking up his clothes and recalling the memories "last night"

'(WA?! N-NO..AGAIN?!...B-But...I ..did.. start it...BUT STILL!..FUCK..I need to hurry up and run..) He puts on his clothes and stumbling out of the bedroom


'Both of them meet eye to eye staring at each other with a blank face' H-Huh?...'

'A-Akutagawa?.. W-What.. are you'  He stares at the door and glancing back at him

'Oh-...Uh, Well this is my home?..After all..isn't this my place?..' He glances at the door and staring at him glaring

'Oh-..Y-Yes, it is..So.. what you ..up to?..' He stares at the floor looking around

'Nothing much..You?..' He lets out a cough and takes a sip of his water

'So, what now?..' He stares at him with a awkward face

'Well, if you get "better dressed" ..You are free to leave..if you desire to leave ..' He scoffs and let's out a sigh

'O-Oh..I wasn't just- gonna that.. Aha..' He   Continues to stare at the floor fidgeting his fingers and then says sometimes

'I-I'm sorry..for last night..I couldn't sleep well last night and..grabbed something else which..lead to that..And you must not like being with me..well spending time since I'm so cold..' He let's out a sigh and looks up at him with a guilty look

'O..Oh?.. No..It's not your fault... I.. enjoyed last night..' coughs' Ahem.. So cold? ..Why would I think you are cold?...'

'You..Enjoyed?!..L-LAST NIGHT?!...I-I swear I wasn't exactly in my right mind when everything happened..' He panics moving his hands in the air with a soft shade of blush on his cheeks

'Ah-... Don't much..I mean as long as there was consent ..and if we both enjoyed it..It should be fine?..Unless you did not it?..' He let's out a small laugh and stares at him with a serious tone of face

'Ah...N..No..I did ..Enjoy.. it..' He mumbles while fidgeting his fingers and messing with his shirt

'Hm? I do say mumble way to much ..Weretiger ..' He gets up and walks towards him grabbing his face and staring at it and smiling

'E-Eh?..Uh, A..Akutagawa..What are you doing?...' He flinches a bit

'Hm? Oh, I couldn't hear you so I came to you..Didn't I say you mumble to much?..' He let's out a small laugh and softly pinching his cheeks

' do something?..' He mumbles under his breath blushing and fidgeting with his shirt

'Oh? Are you saying do you wanna try something again?~...' He let's go of him staring him down while smirking

'W-WHAT?!..N-No...well..d-do... you?..' He reaches his hand up to his neck scratching it with a flushed face

'Ho?~..I mean it would be..nice ..I mean without anything weird "happening" to you ..We can just have normal sex..' He smirks at him wrapping his hands around him and holding him

'(M-More?!..I-I...Did ..offer up)' He hovers his face into the black haired boys chest nodding and clenching his fist

'Hm? Alright~..' He lifts him up and stares at him and then passionately kissing him

(After that round)

'They both sit on the couch covered up with a blanket ..The sliver boy is sitting on the black haired boy ..Smiling at the floor as he is bundle up with a blanket ..'

'Damn, I'm tired~...Why don't we lay down?.. I mean there is no work..' He hovers his face into Atsushi neck

'Ah..I mean yes..But they could need us? And what happens if something happens?...' He stares at his feet

'Hm..Your right..Alright..But no one needs us right now? Do they..' He chuckles

'Both of there phone starts ringing'

'What the-...Ugh..It's higuchi...' He Lets out a groan and glaring at his phone

'It's Dazai..Calling..' He Lets out a sigh

'They both pick up the phone and it's a mission for them both to work together...'

'Atsushi~..You have a new mission!~...Oh, and it's with akutagawa..So please don't start anything~..' He let's out a small laugh

'Hello, this is akutagawa..' He Lets out a groan

'HELLO!! Akutagawa..There is a new up coming mission Mori wants you and that tiger boy to ..Work together..' her tone is a bit squeaky

'Hm? Atsushi..I hear akutagawa? Are you perhaps..Next to him?..' He says in a teasing voice

'W-What?...OH?!..W-Well..I can explain..' He panics

'No..Need to panic~..I was just curious well now you both know what your mission is~..I'll be waiting for you at a specific place ..' He hangs up the phone

'Both phone call ends and they let out a sigh and laughing a bit getting up and ready for their mission..'

'Alright...New mission..Are you ready akutagawa?..' He Lets out a small laugh while smiling at him clenching his fist in the air

'I've been ready..Let's go ..kick some morons ..' He Lets out a small chuckle while grinning

'They both walk outside staring at the sky and then looking at each other waving goodbye while smiling at each other..'

'Well, till next time..I'll be seeing you now..' He smiles gently while walking away

'You to..My weretiger..' He also smiles and walks the opposite direction

"They both leave and go find each other at the specific spot"

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