{Script 79} Child Encounter {Lilia x Child Listener}

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*Everyone in the camp grounds are having their usual feast before their big battle tomorrow*

Lilia: Right, everyone should wake up bright and early and we'll be on are way. *Lilia said, finishing up his meal* If you're left behind, that's a you problem.

Soldier: General, what about our evening training?

Lilia: If any of you guys want to train before our fight, then go right ahead. Make sure you don't overdo it. Remember we're getting up early, so don't stay up too late to train.

Soldier: Are you sure about that sir?

Lilia: As long as you're not disturbing my slumber, I don't care. *As he stood up, he heard the sound of rustling. He looked over to see where the sound of coming from*

Soldier: Ummm General?

Lilia: ....

Soldier: General!

Lilia: What? Don't yelling right beside me, I'm right here.

Soldier: S-Sorry sir, you were spacing out. I was trying to get your attention. Are you okay?

Lilia: Yes I'm alright. Don't worry about me.

Soldier: Maybe you're tired, maybe you should get some shuteye.

Lilia: I just said not to worry about me. I'm a grown man. Are you underestimating me...?

Soldier: No sir I'm not!

Lilia: Then get out of my face. *Lilia said and made a screeching sound at the end, known as fae language*

*As his comrade stormed off, the rustling sound was heard again. This time it sounded a little closer. Lilia turned his head to the direction where the sound is coming from. He sees the bushes and shrubs moving and a figure crawling around in there. He would just ignore it and think it was some wild animal but knowing it's figure, it looks more of a person than an animal.*

Lilia: I want to make sure it's not anyone related to the Silver Owls. Let's hope they're not spying the campgrounds and track down on where we are. Last thing we need is to be killed in our sleep, even though that's impossible for us to be unaware of our surroundings. In a slumber, we'll sense any presence that's coming to kill us.

Lilia: Strange, they looked too small to be related to the Silver Owls. I can see their armor a mile away. Doesn't look like they're wearing it. Kinda dumb to walk around here with no armor. That's one way to get killed in one swipe.

Lilia: What the hell? They were there a second ago. Don't tell me I lost them already. *Lilia gently opened the bushes. Suddenly a small child jumped out*

Listener: Rawr!

*Lilia fell backwards, his back hitting the ground* Oof! *He opened his eyes to see a....child?*

Lilia: W-What the...hell? Did this child really pounced me to the ground...? *He asked*

Listener: *They giggled* Again again!

Lilia: Hell no! You're not making me fall flat on my back again! *He picked them up by the shirt and set them down*

Listener: Awwww....

Lilia: No means no! Now scram kid! I'm busy.

*The listener looked at Lilia with teary eyes. They wanted someone to play with them.*

Lilia: What? Why are you looking at me like that? I told you, scram.

Listener: *The listener starts to cry.*

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