{Script 7} Nerdy Best Friend Is Your Lab Partner

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{{Requested & sent by Alarcus}}

Good Morning honey! It's me Brittany your favorite best friend *laughs happily*! So how are you doing this morning? Why am I so excited this morning? Is something special happening? Oh my goodness! I'm so excited for 1st period science today. You wanna know why? Because we finally get to do a dissection of an Anura. That's the scientific name of the common frog. Oh I'm just excited, what about you? Come on slowpoke let's get to class, I don't wanna be  late.


We made it  early, oh class is starting...I really hope we get to be lab partners. Well I spoke correctly, you are my lab partner! Well come on, don't just sit there. Can you be a dear and grab a tray that has a frog on it and a separate tray that has the medical utensils and then lastly the paper with our directions. Pretty please? Thanks so much sweetie I appreciate you helping. Whoa there are you ok? What do you mean that you're squeamish? It's a dead frog for pete sake! The teacher said that we're performing a dissection!

Wait, you thought we were performing a vivisection? Oh no no the frogs are frozen and then shipped to schools around the state. Oh my gosh your legs are going limp! It's ok sweetie...I'll perform the dissection. You can just take notes is that fair good I'm glad that we've reached a compromise now please hand me the scalpel i wanna cut into this beautiful amphibian!! huh what do you mean that what I'm doing is improper?

*In Shock* Oh dear i i almost went into doing the lab haphazardly  i don't wanna contaminate my bare hands with a frog's blood and guts  Lab Safety rule 1- Goggles gloves and a surgical mask are required at all times when working with biological specimens hold while i go put on my googles gloves and surgical mask ok hun  *glove sounds and humming*  ok now i'm ready did you know that frogs and humans actually share the same vital organs that you and i have such as a brain heart small and large intestine  pancreas  liver and gall bladder just to name a few ok hun the paper says that we need to collect 3 vital organs and cut them up into little bits  i'm going to make the 1st incision  to open the stomach now ok  you can just look away or focus on my long black hair if you feel the need don't worry  I'm right here it's going to be ok i promise oh my the frogs heart is just so squishy and it's brain is rather larger and softer than i expected it to be it almost feels like gelatin in my gloved hands! and it's liver is so pristine and easy to cut apart  !!  well the dissection is over now i learned  a lot it was so much fun considering that frogs only have a life span of 10-12 years  dissection is a perfect use for frogs i think oh my sweetie you're not looking to good here let me carry you the nurses so that way you can sleep off this queasy feeling you i can even stay with you if you want me i really enjoyed being your lab partner this morning i hope that you have a nice rest just ask the nurse to come get me if you need anything ok honey sleep well

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