Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

They didn't say anything for the whole trip, although if you looked closely you could see that Tiffany looked like a lifeless doll, Eddie looked like he would faint at any moment, and Chucky well, Chucky looked strangely at peace. He was obviously trying to keep Tiffany and Eddie from flipping the fuck out. Chucky protected her. He saved her from getting her brains bashed in by her psychotic drunk bitch of a mother. He killed Elaine Valentine.

They stopped at a gas station and filled up the gas tank while Tiffany bought some food for the night. "What the fuck happened man?" Eddie asked, lighting his fifth cigarette.

"Tiff's mom heard us talking about that bitch Jessica. She flew into a crazy drunken rage and she would have killed Tiffany. So, I killed her. We're going to stay is Chicago now. I still have a place there," Chucky explained, as they watched Tiffany waiting to get cashed out in line.

"Fuck, you could get in trouble man. The police will be looking for Tiffany," Eddie replied, stubbing the cigarette out.

"Nah, we made it look like Tiffany was kidnapped and that they were robbed. The police will think that Tiff's mom got killed in a robbery gone bad, or some shit like that," Chucky said, as Tiffany paid at the cash register and started to leave the store.

Eddie said nothing more until Tiffany got to Chucky and he kissed her. They sure did deserve each other, fucking psychos but, they were Eddie's only friends. He wasn't really in the mood for their twisted love-fest but, he knew Chucky would just call him a pussy and he really wasn't in the mood for that either. The three of them climbed back into the van and continued driving until they left Hackensack miles behind.

They stopped at a seedy motel using their fake names, Eddie was Neil, Chucky was Brad, and Tiffany was Jennifer. Thankfully, the hotel clerk didn't question them when they paid in cash and they got a room with two beds. They would sleep until morning and then get back on the road to Chicago. Chucky had said something about some guy named John that was teaching him some voodoo stuff.

To Eddie it was just a bunch of weird shit, and pointless too. But, as long as he's known Chucky he'd always been a fucking weirdo.


Tiffany laid under the covers with Chucky. Eddie was already snoring away on the other bed. She had been thinking that the trip would have been more romantic but, with Eddie along it really wasn't. And she could tell that he was in a bad mood. She looked at Chucky who had his eyes closed but, the absence of his soft snores told her that he wasn't asleep either.

"Tiff, don't over-think this. Just get some sleep, okay?" Chucky said, startling her. His piercing blue eyes gazed into her dark eyes which made her melt like always.

"I'm sorry, I guess I can't believe I'm free," she said, smiling at him. Some part of her wished her mother hadn't died but, it was a small sacrifice to be with the guy she loves. She wouldn't worry about it anymore. She had Chucky and no one would get in the way of their love now.

"Believe it babe. Tomorrow we'll be in Chicago and you'll never have to think of those snobby assholes ever again," Chucky said, kissing her. Tiffany deepened the kiss and that night he made love to her. Quietly of course, they didn't really want to wake Eddie up.


The next morning the trio set off after breakfast, and by late noon they were nearly there. Chucky's place was decently sized, though the art on the walls were very strange. The placed had some shabby furniture and at least the heat and electricity worked. They unpacked their few belongings.

Eddie crashed before he was to go back to Hackensack. He had to make sure the cops that would be searching for Tiffany wouldn't be able to finger him for her supposed kidnapping and her mother's murder. Also, he would be giving them false leads as to where Chucky might be if they asked about him as well.

He would meet Chucky and Tiff back here in Chicago when the heat died down. And then they would go on as if nothing of the sort ever happened. At least, that's what they all thought.

Tiffany was happy, it didn't matter where they lived as long as they were together. Maybe she was crazy but, at least she had her man. And he loved her too.

Tiffany just didn't know that the teenage boy she had fallen in love with would turn out more cold and ruthless than she had imagined. Still, true love never dies you know. And she would stick with him no matter what, even if she had no idea what was in store for the two of them.

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